Brothers and Sisters, It seems everywhere I turn these days; someone is complaining about the government, the president, and the country. I understand that these are very hard times and that after losing a job, a house, a car... people have a right to be upset. However; If you will let me, I would like to remind you just how blessed we are to live in America.

Most of you woke up this morning and got ready for work, a job that you have a choice to go to. You will wake up your children and get them ready for school, a school they can attend with no tuiton costs. You make your kids breakfast and spend some time with them before its time to jump in the car. You drive your children to their school where they tell you they love and you and also you to them. You head to your job and work your average day. Leave, pick up the kids and head home. You sit down to dinner with your family and discuss the day. That night, you lay your kids down to bed and give each of them a kiss, finally you and yours can enjoy the rest of the night together with some peace and quiet. You wake up the next morning and do it all again.

Now maybe your thinking... yeah, sounds like an average day. The point I'm trying to make here is that you have choices you can make throughout the day. You can spend time with your family in a safe place each night. You can live your life however you choose to live it.

Look at some countries where (without being too graphic) a man wakes up and is forced to work in a farm field all day where he doesnt earn enough money to even feed his family. Wait... did I say family; he hasnt seen his wife or his children in years because they were split up and forced to work panning for gold or mining for diamonds. The man doesnt know where his next meal will come from, if it comes at all. When that meal does come, it may be a spider or a rat if he is lucky. He lays down at night to sleep and is soaken wet because he is sleeping on the ground under a leaky tin roof and its raining outside. He has no bed, pillow, or blankets to keep him warm. The man thinks of his family that was stolen from him so long ago.

Yet here we are brothers and sisters.... complaining because the money is going to be really tight this year. We wont get that new car, we might have to live with our in-laws for a few months, we wont be able to eat a steak every night of the week.

Now I'm sure plenty of you are thinking... "stupid kid... doesnt know what he is talking about." You know what, maybe I dont understand all the politics in this country and all the bullshit that goes along with it. Lets think about that one real quick... this country runs on a two-party political system. Its a natural setup to have one half of the country constantly fighting with the other. We will have a president that comes into office and tries his best to fix some of the countries problems, then a new president comes in eight years later and says. "Nope, thats all crap." undoes all the previous work and starts over again. Another eight years go by and the same thing happens again. I cant be the only one that sees the problem here. How are we as a country ever going to get anything done when all we do is work against each other. I do know that George Washington was correct in giving the advice "stay away from political parties."

More importantly, I know that I can wake up in a free country, stand proud to say the pledge of allegience if I choose to do so, go to work for a company that I chose in a profession that I enjoy. And most importantly, spend time with my family who I know will be safe in their beds tonight.

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 23, 2009 at 11:59am
Riding the tailboard was sweet.
It's like riding a motorcycle. Wind in your face. Going where the road takes you.
And you were always looking for a place to land if you wrecked!
I grew up watching Cronkite.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on April 23, 2009 at 6:44am
Yeah Art... you are correct. I guess I kinda jumped on Fox there a little bit. I apoligize. IDK... its just the more I learn about politics, the more I learn that its nothing but a bunch of crooks trying to better themselves. As far as the news thing goes... thats sad too... what happened to just reporting the facts? I almost wish I grew up 40 years ago. Hey... back then I could have rode the tailboard lol.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 23, 2009 at 5:17am
Based on your assessment of the news outlets, there are NONE out there today that are fair and balanced.
Fox may be to the right, but there are many that are to the left; CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC.
And it's too sad.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on April 23, 2009 at 12:12am
Art, I have never listened to Rush Limbaugh... sounds like I dont want too either. I do watch some Fox News every now and then and can tell you that I always end up changing the channel quickly. "Fair and balanced" lol thats a joke! I have never seen a more right-wing, conservative based news program in my life. Which I guess is fine... after all, every one is entitled to their own opinions. I just think that when your job is to report the news, you should do just that. Report the news by presenting the facts, not report what you feel like is important by relaying personal opinions.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on April 23, 2009 at 12:07am
The two party system may be the way our government operates, however I will not agree in saying that it is the way it "works." I know I'm young but from what I have seen, an honest hard-working politician isn't something that exists. I will surely vote for the first person that I think will actually work through the "partisan, polemical nonsense."
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 22, 2009 at 6:46am
I listen to Rush everyday, but it's getting harder, because all he does is bash Obama.
He just can't seem to make it through his show without saying his name a thousand times.
I'm about ready to change the channel.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on April 22, 2009 at 12:03am
You are correct Art, you cant complain if you dont vote. I guess my point is proven further when i tell you that I did vote in the past election... for John McCain. I was always raised republican but that is not why I voted for McCain. I voted for him because I thought he made a better candidate.

However; I the point I am really trying to stress is that even though I really didnt want Obama in office in the first place, I still support him. Whether I agree with all of his policies or not, he is still my president. Last time I checked; thats not an easy job to do. I seriously doubt Obama is sitting behind his desk saying "I wonder how I can screw over those republicans tomorrow!!!"

You may not like all the ideas your chief has but I bet you still support him because you understand that being chief is a tough job. Well being commander in chief is probably the toughest job around.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 21, 2009 at 3:13pm
I look at it this way; my conservative politics puts me to the right, so I am always right!
I respect ANYONE who takes the time to get involved in their right to govern, whether it's to vote, run for office, help a candidate run for office, state an opinion or to care about their country enough to actively participate in its welfare.
I think something like 122 million voters took part in the last election?
That's phenomenal.
Remember; you can't complain if you don't vote.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on April 21, 2009 at 9:36am
Dustin, well said...but...

I think you are missing the point of a lot of the debate going on. We all love and appreciate our country.

Love the fact we can go to bed atnight not worrying about bombs landing on our house, because some terrorist happens to live next door, and we might become collateral damage to another country.

Love that we are free to express our opinions, and gather peacfully with our neighbors to say "hey we voted you bums in, and we can vote you out if you don't stop waht you are doing"

MOst of waht is going on now is not a party thing...I am a conservative, so naturally tend to vote for the republican candidate. Does that mean I am righht wing extreme...not so much.

I believe we have the right to Life Liberty AND the pursuit of happiness. Note the pursuit part, it is not a right to be happy..but it is a right to pursue happiness.

It made me smile to see a young man write something that had depth and conviction...we ll done!
Comment by James Shoemaker on April 20, 2009 at 3:18pm
Very true I agree with everything that you typed,I live month by month.I aslo get a disability check each month that I make last.I don't like to hear ppl. complain about this that and the other thing.Espacially when it comes to our president,yes granted some of us don't like him.But he is still our comomander and chief.I am a registered Republican.And I hear other's talking about OBAMA.I have one thing to say.What ever you have to say about the Democrat party PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES.In other words what Iam trying to say is think before you speak

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