ok we had our junior meeting tonight and we were getting our certification in adult cpr. We got instructors from the red cross to teach the class. Well the first thing we learned was how to care for a conscious choking victim who's not breathing. Our president of the juniors (head advisers son) who is a a larger guy and his partner asked what to do to care for a person of his size since his partner could not get his arms around him in the correct technique.

Well one of the instructors pulled our president out as an example and said "Now when dealing with a pregnant woman or a huge guy... like this one" everyones mouth fell open and we just stared at our adviser like what do we do now. Our station has a strict policy, you do NOT under any cirstumstance make a comment about another persons size. When we ordered sweatshirts our adviser said if we made a remark about the size of another member we were off the juniors period.

Our adviser told the guy to not come back for the child/infant cpr class next week. He did not apologize. Being in the more to love category as far as weight is concerned i was highly offended by those remarks and i could tell they got to our president.

Another thing that got me was when he demonstrated the technique he made grunting noises when putting his arms around our president and actually did an abdominal thrust! He had just finished telling us to NOT do that.

I lost all respect for the instructor, however i gained more respect for our president in the adivsers because i could tell that both wanted to punch his face in, they restrained themselves though.

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Comment by Ben "Batman" Barry on April 18, 2009 at 5:06pm
well i think that what he did was out of line. no instructor should ever say something about a persons weight. also with him trying to give the student thrusts i think that would be grounds to revoke the instructors cert to teach
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on January 19, 2009 at 2:45am
Wow... I'm really not sure what to say... I'f you or the other members of your probie class cant handle a few rude comments here and there, maybe you shouldnt be in the fire service. I'm not sure if you understand this, but this job (whether you are paid or volunteer, its a job) is famous for making its younger guys feel like crap. If you cant handle just being called fat, how are you gona handle the situation when its time to find your way out of a flashed over room and the only way out is between the studs of a wall.

This job is not for a bunch of crybabys!!!!!! Also, the instructor told you not to actually perform the maneuver on your partner because you are inexpeirenced and could hurt your partner. The instructor on the other hand knows what he is doing and can handle it.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on January 17, 2009 at 4:53pm
My curiosity got the best of me.
If you have a department rule that says that you can't make references to the size of other members, then I have to wonder how many we are talking about?
Not only do larger body masses pose a problem when receiving CPR, but they also have a problem when performing CPR.
The instructor said something marginally over the top, but certainly not something that should boot him from training.
If people are THAT sensitive about their size, then they need to do something about it.
I did.
Now; no one calls me fat-ass anymore.
Not that it bothered me before.
Comment by FETC on January 17, 2009 at 8:19am
I guess the cuddle policy you have, has some merit if we are trying to make sure kids go home with their inner feelings intact...

So your president (advisors son) asked how to perform the technique on a person his size because his partner couldn't get his arms around him? Why do you feel the answer was inappropriate? He used the word "huge" right. Well huge describes muscle heads too? The student asked the question on how to work on a big person? Used himself as a specific example. How would you have liked the instructor to describe his physical stature?

I personally feel stating a person is obese is more offensive. But hey it is an official medical term. I am a CPR instructor, taught thousands of classes, though never been explained a department's PC rules/regs before any class started. I suggest that if any of you are looking to be in the fire or EMS services for a living, you will definately be exposed to non-polictically correct comments on a daily basis, many call it stress relief. When you have to pay extra for a guy or girl who needs twice the material to build a set of structural gear, I am sorry but the comments are forthcoming.

I have seen three little guys get into a bigger guys set of turnout pants, take pictures and post them. Having a policy on comments is reactive to a previous personal issue...is your advisor a big guy himself?
Comment by Paul Montpetit on January 17, 2009 at 7:32am
I thik someone needs to develop a little thicker skin..or if it bothers him that much then do something about it...the Fire service by way of tradition or coping mechanisms have been known for their world class pranks and this is nothing compared to what you might see...true the instructor should not have done a full force abd thrust...and if he did that he was wrong...and who suffered the consequences in the long run....??? the students did..they didn't get the training did they..? You will run into these people whereever you go..learn to deal with it..Stay safe and always keep the Faith....Paul
Comment by Kayla Bartlett on January 16, 2009 at 10:36pm
wow i cant believe that he did that. that is not right. I give your president a lot of respect cause if that was me i prob would have turned around and said somthing.. I do not like when people say remarks or anything like that.. its not right... But he could have apoligized as well and should not have acutally done the technique on him....
Comment by Dennis Brown on January 16, 2009 at 8:42pm
I agree with Joe to me the instructor was in his bounds i think he used the right word at the time of teaching you the technique
Comment by Phil on January 16, 2009 at 4:27pm
I guess I dont see that as a big deal, I mean if the guy is big?...... Yeah it was probably the wrong choice of words I dont know, Guess If i was there I could have a better idea, I wouldnt make a big deal about it, coming from a 6'2" 250 lb guy myself, I would want you to know what to do, and I would be happy to use my body for training purpose.. NOW... if he is 5'1" and 350 lbs he has no business in the fire service... for health reasons. you win some you lose some ya know?....Hope your CPR class goes better next time,
Comment by Blake Smith on January 16, 2009 at 2:28pm
If you don't have thicker skin then that then you will never make it in the fire service. Wait until you get called Probie and other names like that, are you going to quit because somebody called you fat?
Comment by ffbam24 on January 16, 2009 at 12:50pm
I'm at a loss for what the instructor said wrong. From your description, he was describing a situation that most anyone will come across these days.

Performing an actual abdominal thrust is another thing.

But overall; are you kidding me?
You all overreacted.

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