Career firefighters next Tea Party target?

This weekend saw an extreme example of the negative 20% of the voters.

Sam Stein, writing for The Huffington Post, used this headline on Saturday:
"Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress" (article HERE)

Saturday's Protest

Joan Walsh, writing for, provides a detailed and analytical look at the behavior of some activists involved in the year-old Tea Party movement. "Too much tea party racism" (article HERE)

The racist and homophobic shouts, spitting on Congressmen and a "Kill the Bill" disruption within the House galley (here) are extreme examples of the negative 20% of the community.


Carter and Sumek, writing in ICMA’s Managing Fire and Rescue Services, talk about the growing influence of the negative 20 percent.

Local communities fall into a 20-20-10-10-40 political distribution: 20 percent have a positive opinion of local government, 20 percent have negative opinions, 10 percent will lean towards the positive or the negative. The remaining 40 percent are bystanders.

The negative 20% are never satisfied with any municipal response to their complaints. They maintain a basic distrust of local government, political leaders and managers. They make personal attacks on staff.

They misrepresent facts and information when speaking to the media. They exploit the Freedom of Information Act and the public hearing process, they are less than civil when they show up at meetings or hearings.

They vote.

They argue for greater citizen involvement, but if that approach is taken and the results are contrary to their own, they criticize the approach and process. Their activity drives away the average citizen.

Decades of gerrymandering "safe" voter districts by the party in power has increased the importance of getting more people to vote (CNN article).

The increased polarization of the parties has created an "us-versus-them" mentality (2005 Kimball/Gross presentation 28 page .pdf HERE). It may be easier getting the 10% who lean positive or negative to vote than the 40% that are bystanders.

The growth of blogs, social networking, 24/7 cable news and digital media has increased the impact and reach of the negative 20%.


Joseph Abrams, reporting for Fox News on February 9th, noted a financial link between organized labor and a web site opposing the Tea Party. (updated article HERE)

Even without this issue, the core values of the Tea Party, especially a Constitutionally Limited Government, implies a smaller local government.


On December 31 we posted Firefighter “AIG” Problem, on describing the rising issue of some firefighter retirement systems, in terms of years-to-retirement, defined benefits payout, and double dipping.

We looked at recent articles critical of municipal labor in The Economist, The Wall Street Journal and Forbes. More articles are appearing in traditional and digital main stream media.


Last month we laughed as WBZ's I-Team stalked Boston Engine 32 as it had the audacity to drive to a grocery store and purchase food every day. (post here)

We may be nissing a tipping point in public opinion of career firefighters.


There have always been questions on how we do what we do. Explainations that worked in 1995 or 2005 may not work now.

A colleague who is a chief fire executive told me last week that the positive feelings of firefighters after 9/11 has been replaced by a negative impression that career firefighters are an expensive burden to city government.

Critics do not care about the decades of toil, sacrifice, research, and political capital expended to achieve current firefighter working conditions.

All they see is that YOU have what THEY do not.

They cannot go to the grocery store, exercise, play sports, study for promotional exams or SLEEP where they work. They think you should not be paid by the city to shop, exercise, play, study or sleep.

This imposition of this expectation on firefighter working conditions extend beyond the negative 20%ers.

In the "us-versus-them" mentality, we have become "them."

How should we respond to criticism of our practices and procedures now?

Mike "FossilMedic" Ward

a post from

Maybe Jeff Bressler, The Fire PIO, can provide some pointers.

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Comment by John Crabbe on March 24, 2010 at 11:16pm
I would agree with the issues mentioned in this blog and it just shows that there is a need for public education by depts. Much of the issues described I have also seen angerily asked as to "why do you need to take the rig to the store" with a response of , "so we can respond if we get a call". There are folks who think that we don't pay for our meals and that it is a perk to eat at the firehouse. Exercise and sleep etc can also be looked down upon, yet people need to understand that these are not guarantees, there is no guarantee of sleep and the reason we are there is for a quick response. Much of this stuff was understood for years, but again how people soon forget, and with a bad economy, we are just viewed as a drain on the taxpayer.

I agree this is a new monster with such people who get a mob mentality who fail to see or turn a blind eye to reason. One doesn't have to go much further than these forums here to see how a mob mentality can be and how reason wants to be ignored. (the Nativity threads etc show that well). For us career personnel, the way to address this is to again educate and be proactive. The general public has little to no clue what we do or why we do things, yet doing some education as to why we cut holes in roofs, why we have staffing etc, can help people understand the job. It doesn't take much to present a powerpoint, pictures, explainations etc to groups like neighborhood association meetings, local clubs like ELKS, 4H, church groups, etc. Many times people look for a meeting topic and this is a good way to be proactive so people understand why such cuts etc would do more harm than good.
Comment by Jack/dt on March 23, 2010 at 3:44pm
I don't think that a tea bagger partier (?) can be easily described. But of the people that you described, most likely it was their parents who were in favor of Social Security and Medicaid and Unemployment Compensation, you know, move people's money around to those that didn't have it. And their parents were probably involved in organizing workers in order to dictate to employers how much they should get paid, vacations and even health insurance. You know, Unions. Radical socialist ideas for their respective times.

I happen to be a rather liberal person (although I have only ever registered as Independent) and am in favor of all of the aforementioned social programs. I am in favor of gun ownership, abortions, health insurance, unions, small government, social programs, better education and longer vacations. And that just scratches the surface. If I could afford one I'd probably drive a hybrid, I have serious doubts as to the veracity of all components of global warming yet curbing pollution is not a bad idea. Oh...I smoked pot once or twice as well, even inhaled. It was rather fun.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on March 22, 2010 at 9:41pm
Mike, as one who has been to tea parties, yeah wearing a Fire Department shirt & no racist, firefighter hating, small government loving, tea party attendees gave me the evil eye.

I was welcomed and patted on the back and thanked for my service more times than I could count.

The same idiots who are against us going to the store, gym or sleeping are the ame progressive liberals who hated government in the 1960's, smoked pot, and held sit ins. These are the same prius driving, global warming fanatics who want us to make everyone have the same pay, same house and same prius.

This is no different than the brothers who sit in front of the play station while others study for their promotional exams, then cry foul after failing it. The world is not fair, and on a slow news day, anyone can be the target...

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