Are there any firefighter in New York states, Or in other states. Who are being mandated by the state that every firefighter have a bailout system with a Harness, hook, and descender. I have recently heard that all firefighters in NY but have one my May. Has anyone else heard of this?

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Comment by Jason on December 12, 2008 at 9:31am
I am happy to help out and give you the information that I have on the subject. At the October NYS Fire Instructors Conference, we had a presentation from OFPC and NYS PESH (who is responsible for administering the recent law). In this session we were all informed that this law was signed into place without a great deal of input from those of us in the fire service (Surprise). Here are the specifics that we were given...

1 - The law is in effect now.

2 - The law wont be enforced by PESH (OSHA) until a set of regulations/specifics are put in place and their inspectors are trained on what to look for. This will likely take over a year.

3 - There will be three levels of required bailout systems based on the heights of building in your district and those in "districts that you are reasonably expected to respond to" (i.e. mutual aid) If you or a mutual aid district have even 1 building meeting the height requirement you will be required to meet that whole requirement.

4 - the three levels are not yet set in stone, but will be VERY close to this. 1 - Buildings 3 stories or less require a simple rope for bailout as well as training on its use. This would be the same 'body belay' that we have been teaching in FF Survival for years. 2 - Buildings up to and including 5 stories will require a class 2 harness, sufficient rope to reach the ground, an anchor device and training to use them. 3 - Buildings over 5 stories require that you have the same equipment required in the previous as well as special training and SOP's for rescue of firefighters trapped above the 5th story. It is also important to note that each piece of equipment is UL rated for the intended use.

5 - NYS fire service will have time to be told what is officially required and also have time to purchase and train on the use of the equipment. In truth, this is something that is a great idea, it is just being done in a strange way.

I hope that this helps out, if you want more info, let me know.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on December 12, 2008 at 3:37am
I havn't heard what they are doing in NY, but I think that any FF that ever has the possibility of making entry, which really is all of us; should have some form of bailout system on their gear. Personally, I carry a ropebag on my gear and always take the irons in with me. Unless I'm higher then 60' up, I know I can get out with that ropebag. Unfortunatly, only one other FF and myself carry a ropebag. The department has clearly stated they will not purchase them for everyone so if you want one, your own your own. I tell you what though, I would much rather spend the $30 for the equipment and have it on my side then not have it and need it.
Comment by Timothy Overly on December 11, 2008 at 2:46pm
It is a law in NYS, but there is current lawsuits regarding over what type of depts are required to have one. The law states each Firefighter MUST have his/her own assigned rig and must train on it. The rigs are expensive and that is the hold up now.
Does a small dept with all 2 story residential occupancies need them? Do all firefighters (including pump operators, Chiefs,Fire Police, and exterior FFs) need one? The law just states that all firefighters need one.
I don't know of many NYS depts, either career or volunteer, that are in compliance with this law. I believe the effective date was the end of November 2008.
Comment by Joey "BigShow" De Piano on December 11, 2008 at 10:10am
The understanding i have is with RIT/FAST classes teaching "Everyone Goes Home" more and more areas are making the bailout system a must know, at the same time i also heard that it is a catch 22 cause insurance and safety are saying it is risk ...personally i rather bail and snap my leg than burn

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