How many of you emergency personal can actually say when you walk into a building and notice right off the bat where the fire exits are and if the building is sprinkled or even as much as if they have fire extinguishers and if there up to code? Now I know allot of us live and breath this stuff on day to day bases but do we leave what we know at the office, or does it go right along with us when we have our most prized positions like our husbands, wife’s or even our children.... When let’s say ;( on vacation). We should all stay Sharp whether we are on duty or off and pay attention to our surroundings. I just drove thru a town to go visit a fire dept here the other day, and I have been thru there I don’t know how many times in the past and I decided to look up at the buildings in the old down town part and behold every single fire wall that is suppose to help stop a fire from going from building to building had tar over each wall Now lets just say if they had a fire and it was already protruding thru the roof, do you seriously thank a fire wall with black tar over the top of it is going to keep it from going from building to building...If one of these was a hotel and you seen this tar over the fire wall just like I did but your wife wanted to stay there or your husband, would you be big enough of a person to say no because of this or that and go on down the road and stay at one you seen was up to code? I thank no matter the position or time well spent on any department we should all be aware of our surroundings from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. If we stay Sharp, we stay Safe and stay Alive.

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Comment by joseph verneer on March 31, 2011 at 12:19pm
yes our mind set in thinking is different than the public for sure. funny one in a super market in my mind thinking the "what if " looking up and around and
Comment by bret cunningham on November 11, 2009 at 10:24am
I learned about 6 years ago that looking at exits is the fastest way to learn a building in my area. I now have my wife doing that as well . She likes to look and see if the lights are working.
Comment by CHIEF NORMAN on October 19, 2009 at 10:01am
Chief Flanders, your right we should all be aware of not only our own district but our neighbors, you never know when that call may come to help out your neighboring brothers fight the beast...Thanks for sharing, and we are never to old to learn...Be safe brothers...
Comment by Ron King (Fire Chief) on October 18, 2009 at 9:22pm
We both do it. My wife is a firefighter you said if you stay sharp you stay safe and you stay alive.
Comment by Norman E. Flanders on October 17, 2009 at 8:59pm
I do all the time. It comes with the job of being a FF.

I've even been known to look at a few buildings in my neighboring community and think about what I'd have to do to get water, stop fire spread, and how would we set up for a fire attack on various bldgs. if we're covering for mutual aid.

I'm with ya Chief Norm, we have to think outside the box a.k.a. our own community in the event we're on stand by.

Great blog, gets one thinking. If its one thing we must do, ITS CONTINUE TO LEARN.

Stay safe, train often and share knowledge.
Comment by Ben Waller on October 17, 2009 at 6:32pm
My wife hates going anywhere with me...

I only stay in sprinklered hotels with working smoke detectors...
I check the exits at the movies, restaurants, or other public place...even the library...

My department practices what we preach - every station is sprinklered, as are our dispatch center, our headquarters, and our training quarters.
Comment by CHIEF NORMAN on October 16, 2009 at 9:51am
Guys its great to hear I'm not the only one out there that does this kind of stuff and great story Ralph with planting that seed at an early age in your kids minds, job well done brother.
Comment by Jack/dt on October 15, 2009 at 7:06pm
I do. Theater, restaurant, hotel/motel, airplane, train, supermarket, smoke/CO detectors, sprinklers, pull stations, fire exits, alternate exits, my house, your house, I actually do pay attention. In the event, I would most likely be using an alternate exit to the entrance I initially used. The Rhode Island Station nightclub fire was the incident that made me much more aware.
Comment by Oldman on October 15, 2009 at 6:49pm
Actually, I do look for the exits, pull stations, escape plans, and I would definitely have a problem with tar.

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