Its funny with the business I’m in I talk to allot of departments all across this great nation we live in and just here recent I had a department Chief ask me if I had the answers to the NIMS 300 and 400...The only thing I could do was laugh....Now I know most of the departments out there complain about all these NIMS courses and when is it ever going to stop and the famous I wont ever need this crap...Well folks all I can say is its here and its here to stay until something comes up that’s better. I mean this stuff is there for a reason and for a department Chief to ask for the answers, is just plum crazy...I don’t like it anymore then the next person, but just like everyone else if you pay attention you can gain what you need out of it and place it toward what you have in your area or surrounding area. It’s not quit as bad as most say even thou that 300 was something else, but truthfully its good stuff and gives department head a better understanding on what there position is on a large incident and what there going to need. To me it refreshed the mind and woke me up in places I needed better structure in...Good luck brothers and sisters on the NIMS classes and hope you never need to use that NIMS 300 or 400.

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Comment by CHIEF NORMAN on October 15, 2009 at 5:07pm
Lt. I'm sure this kind of stuff is going on all over, I mean how many times have you ever been on a scene and criticized on how operations went, or Y command did this or that. Its human nature to question ones ability, but if one dosent put forth what they have been taught your right its very hard to have confidence in your fellow brother or sister who is in charge...
Comment by CHIEF NORMAN on October 15, 2009 at 9:44am
You know folks it amazes me that in todays fire industry even with all the crap we see and whats new and on and on, on, that there is people out there that would rather take the easy way out instead of taking some time and broaden there mind and maybe learn something that might save a life, and correct me if im wrong that is the #1 thing we are suppose to save with this industry we are in...All I can do as im walking away from these people is shake my head, and thanking to myself give me a break...I mean literally
Comment by Ron King (Fire Chief) on October 15, 2009 at 8:06am
Chief Norman, I think you learn something from every class you take. I have taken 300,400. It makes you think about how ready you are. I hope we never need to use it.
Comment by blair4630 on October 15, 2009 at 1:28am
That being said, if you're going to take a class, take the class. Cheating during con-ed courses or job instruction is a little rediculous, especially in emergency services.
Comment by blair4630 on October 15, 2009 at 1:27am
I view NIMS as a necessary evil. I understand the need for indians like me to have the basic level classes so we understand where and why on the board we pons go, but I'm glad I don't have to take the higher level courses that the chief officers take. I love training and get as much as I can, but I have to say my face goes numb to one side and drool starts to flow freely when in NIMS training.
Comment by on October 14, 2009 at 4:27pm
Great post Chief.

Although they can play well with their neighbors on a large incident, the vast majority of Chiefs out there have never needed to interact with multiple outside agencies in a major disaster. Without such experience to learn from, readiness must be learned in a different manner.

Unfortunately, many don't appreciate the need to be able to plug and play with others. These are different times than we're used to, and a major incident icould be right around the corner- whether in New York, or Grovers Corners.

Chiefs have been made to re-evaluate their roles in these new times, and commit to adequately preparing for the events they have never seen before.
Lt. French is correct. NIMS 300 and 400 should not produce any anxiety at all. There are no shortcuts to success. But the answers are out there, just google your question and the answers will pop up. No learning required. It's pitiful.

If such tests are causing Chiefs to consider an easy way out, then I would propose they aren't the leaders our troops need (and deserve) to follow into battle in the 21st century.

-Jeremy Black
Comment by CHIEF NORMAN on October 14, 2009 at 3:23pm
Kudos brother...

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