UPDATED: Kentland Volunteers And Their 'Frat House'

UPDATED: Here in the Washington, D.C. metro area, we get word from the local media outlets about a 4-year-old firehouse video being leaked to the local news that depicts what the media calls a 'frat house' full of activity. The Kentland Volunteer Fire Department shown in the video operates under the Prince Georges County Fire Department in Maryland .

In the news video below, you can see volunteers shooting illegal fireworks in the station, hazing new firefighters, mooning while driving the engine, etc.

I've posted several times regarding our activities in the public eye and the perception of the public to those activites. People, this is 2008 and the reality of it all is that perception is reality. Though some areas of the states you could get away with this, in major metropolitin areas - you will get roasted. Think twice before you do anything that can be recorded, observed or reported by a third party. If you get any feeling that something might be wrong with it - it probably is.

If you don't think twice, you could end up like this volunteer chief ... watch the videos and post your comments:




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Comment by Chuck Walker on July 12, 2008 at 7:54pm
well, if none of you have never rode in the county or know what the exact facts are or never been to a fire with these guys, then you shouldn't be commenting. the "hazing " incidents happen everywhere at every firehouse in this country and probably in canada too, but you never hear about them. someone with a point to prove or an axe to grind is blowing this completely out of proportion.if you don't "condone or approve " of this then fine. no one was hurt or pressed charges about this, and besides it happened 4 years ago. BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT. the best thing that will come out of this is that kentland will sell 100,000 t-shirts and buy a new piece of apparatus.
Comment by Nicholi69 on July 12, 2008 at 7:44pm
well there was an alleged incident of them turning off two career guys air bottles and getting into fights at a fire in feb 2006 or 2007 cant remember. The two guys got burned bad enough to go to the hospital.
Comment by Engine 32 Capt. on July 12, 2008 at 7:16pm
One of the videos they posted here (I think "Lack of Adult Supervision") showed them on the front ramp pulling a guy around in a shopping cart with some kind of motorized equipment. I posted a comment that it appeared negligent in the taxpayers eyes and the response I got was "We don't ask for donations." Clearly there is a lack of supervision and leadership at the command level.

I knew a guy from Kentland and he used to tell stories of turning off air bottles of other departments at fires, posting a "guard" at the door to prevent others from coming into those fires, etc.

From all appearances the members of Kentland are immature and unprofessional at best. Hopefully they can get someone in there that can get control of that department before we have another funeral.
Comment by lutan1 on July 12, 2008 at 6:52pm
I agree with you 100% Rockland, but let's not judge them today on things that occurred 4+ years ago.

The County hs the right to obviously because it's been investigated, etc, but for all we know, they have cleaned up their act and no longer do this stuff.

Do you know for a fact this still happens there?
Comment by Nicholi69 on July 12, 2008 at 6:52pm
Now i dont belive in hazing but i also think there is a difference in Hazing and pratical jokes. Now about doing it in a public assisted facility i thought that kentland was owned by kentland it runs off tax dollers but it was built without public tax dollers. Now i might be wrong but thats what i think i remember. Oh i belive that Chief Sedgwick is gonna blast them im sure of it. I dont belive we are above the law but the fire service is known that we are a tight family and we have fun but when the call comes in we get serious. Now dont get me wrong im not the biggest fan of Kentland but i belive that most fire depts are guilty of this. Also just listened to one of your shows and very much enjoyed it.
Comment by Rockland USA on July 12, 2008 at 6:35pm
Nick, thank you for your comment. So what you are saying is that it is ok to do illegal activities as long as we don't videotape it and keep it out of public view? Sorry, I disagree. Hazing, shooting illegal fireworks, and doing all this within a public tax assisted facility is unacceptable. I think you will see how unacceptable it is this next week when the county comes down on Kentland. Kentland is not above the law or professionalism of the fire service.
Comment by Nicholi69 on July 12, 2008 at 3:39pm
Rockland let me first of all say that you need to change your picture because it looks like your a demon or something just this dark kind of look. Second Besides the Atomic Wedgie and the idiot drunk stuff and the mooning while driving havent we all done pranks and fireworks and just plain ole mischevious behavior at the firehouse? Its Tradition the biggest thing wrong i see here is what i stated above that most have not done and that they videotaped it. what we do inside a firehouse should stay in a firehouse. definitley not filmed or done in the public who we serve's view. Now to add everything up this all happened at a 100% volunteer house, Now come to find out its Kentland and its double trouble. If this had been any other house it probally wouldnt be as big a deal as it is but there has been alot of contreversy with this house. so let the media crucify us cause thats what they do untill they need us but we as a family need to stick together. no matter how annoying the other brother might be.
Comment by Rockland USA on July 12, 2008 at 12:03pm
Gotcha chief. I just posted the original raw video of Kentland - added to this blog and the video section.
Comment by Firefighter Nation WebChief on July 12, 2008 at 11:24am
No, those are not the same videos.

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Comment by lutan1 on July 12, 2008 at 12:55am
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