Firefighters doing city workers jobs...

In some of my past posts you will see my department went from vol. to a Public Safety department with the cops. We are also a combo department now M-F 7am-5pm we have part time guys in house. Our City manager (who is also Public Safety director and chief of police) has stated that the Firefighter on duty will now be doing city worker types of work like turning off peoples water, assisting in changing out sewer pipes, cleaning up yard debris, mowing public parks...ect. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!! Does anyone else out there do city work while working as a "firefighter"?!?
While unrelated to this I was also told that I will nolonger be the training officer, our P.S. director has HIRED one for us. I thought we were doing did all of the other firefighters/first responders. 260 training hours per year is what I set up. A lot more that what is required for now.
All in all i want to close on this..I became a firefighter because I like to help people. NOT because I want to shut peoples water off because they couldn't afford their bill. The mowig and stuff wouldn't be all that bad if it were at the station...not the whole city. Thanks for your time and stay safe. -Matt

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Comment by LT Lake on June 26, 2008 at 12:35pm
and what happens when the entire department is on the other end of town mowing the grass at the park or shutting off water and the alarm sounds? time will show them the error in there thinking. i'm sure it all comes down to a money issue. why pay guys to just sit arround the fire hall. the first time they loose a building and it is shown by dispatch recordings that it took 20 minutes or better to arrive on scene questions will be asked. and what if a life is lost because of the long responce time and the city gets sued? how much money will they truley save in the long run? the whole purpose of having personnel on duty is for quicker responce time. your right that is the dumbest thing i have heard of and i dont mind if you let your city manager know that i said so. keep your hose stiff and stay safe

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