Hey everyone! I've been put in charge of coming up with a fitness program for our department to follow so that we can implement a fitness incentive. I have a few ideas but I wanted to see what other depts. are doing. Any information would be much appreciated. I can't wait to get some of these guys in shape!


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Comment by bret cunningham on November 11, 2009 at 1:30pm
My station does crossfit. It is great it has improved our times by a lot . If you need more about it comment back. It has stuff for first time and advanced stuff check it out www.crossfit.com.
Comment by Crockett on April 9, 2009 at 10:17pm
Hey Sarah- you still working out this program? Sorry- I just read this discussion =]
In the Army, we have the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test). It's 2 mins of push-ups, 2-mins of sit-ups, and a 2-mile run. Easy as that. There's a sliding scale for age and sex. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APFT. The scale is at the bottom of the article, along with detailed explanations of each event ("idiot-proof", like everything in the Army) LoL.
Comment by Dale Dittrick on January 4, 2009 at 1:36am
Work on your local businesses to donate some prizes. They can plan far ahead as you can set the date for 1 year later, possibly with a couple of earlier prelims. Anyway, set up a point system, loose a few pounds get a few points. Run, walk, swim, hike so many miles and get some points. Improvements on combat challenge and get some points. What about your own obstacle course challenge at the end, the winner gets a lot of points and down the line. If you time your challenge just right a local car dealership may be able to donate a car (possibly it changes throughout the year) to give away before (just before) the car year ends. How about a body mass index measurement at the beginning and end. To get crews working together, how about a group winner to get a firehouse gift or plaque. Some guys will do anything for a prize on the wall with their name on it. There are a few ideas.
Comment by Kevin Faulk on December 9, 2008 at 10:54am
Our department has a mandatory 1 hour a day. We got a grant a couple of years ago for treadmills and weights sets for all 33 of our stations. There are grants out there. kfaulk@cfl.rr.com is my email if you are interestedemail me and I will get you the info and explain it a little more for you. Good Luck!

Comment by chad on November 20, 2008 at 11:15pm
I know that the guys here have started just working out together we really don't have a program per say but we just try to take pride in ourselves and self image as firefighters. The dept supplied us with the equipment so we could continue on our trek. We have also done some changes in the way we eat around here no more fast food on shifts etc. I have lost almost 90lbs since we have started this and i have about 20lbs to go before I make my goal. I am very happy I wish we had someone that was as motivated as you on the department it would help alot, keep up the work you have it cut out for you firefighters can be lazy.
Comment by Captain Chaos on June 23, 2008 at 10:26pm
I know where you're coming from, we have our share of lumps on my Department too. I guess I should hope for some type of incentive, I'd probably be one of the few who would take advantage of it. It may sound pretty hard hearted of me, but I have no sympathy for those who have poor health or become injured because of their fitness level.

Good luck with your program, I hope it motivates those that need it.
Comment by sarah on June 23, 2008 at 10:03pm
Well of course I know this...but we all have some at our depts. that don't see it that way. Some people need a little more motivation than others...
Comment by Captain Chaos on June 23, 2008 at 8:08pm
There is no better incentive than good health and being able to do the job effectively and efficiently. If you need motivation to stay fit in the Fire Service, you shouldn't be in it.
Comment by Walter Messer on June 22, 2008 at 11:03pm
Some would think the insurance companies would give insentive to our cities. I just sat through a seminar on safety and suvival for the firefighter, and of course our cities insurance carrier was there and gave there song and dance. It was brought up -if they gave cities insentive discounts and the cities gave it to the employee's (cash or time off) it would be a win - win for them. They said it wouldn't work. The insurance money wouldn't see any benefit.... then they didn't want to discuss it anymore........ I say it starts from the top. Give use the right area and program and people will workout here
Comment by Jeff Betz on June 22, 2008 at 10:12pm
I'm sure you already know, but if you are IAFF, check out the wellness / fitness initiative stuff they have. The recommendation in there is that it be mandatory, which I think is fine. The ones who need it most will only do it with a LOT of pushing them for their own good.

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