  • 43, Female
  • fort myers
  • United States
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Lehigh Acres Fire Department
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Sarah's Blog

Fitness Incentive

Posted on June 21, 2008 at 11:50pm 15 Comments

Hey everyone! I've been put in charge of coming up with a fitness program for our department to follow so that we can implement a fitness incentive. I have a few ideas but I wanted to see what other depts. are doing. Any information would be much appreciated. I can't wait to get some of these guys in shape!


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At 10:58pm on April 9, 2009, Jerod said…
hey when you get the Fitness Program done I would like to see what you came up with
At 9:51pm on April 9, 2009, Crockett said…
Ha ha just got ur message!! Sorry, it has obviously been a while since I've been on FFN =] My six-month date is 4 days away...only 6 more months of probation!!! LoL What have you been up to??
At 7:05pm on March 7, 2009, chad said…
hey long time no talk to
At 6:55pm on February 24, 2009, jeremy( THE AXE ) said…
I like the CPAT for on duty training... I do alot of my weight training and heavier cardio on my days off. It looks like it's working for you...You look great!
At 6:04pm on February 7, 2009, andrew shapiro said…
hi sarah,
How cool was Egypt!!!
Have you considered the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge for you and your department? There is an event in Hallandale FL. in May. Check out their web-site Scott Combat Challenge. Once you get to the "Worlds" event in November you are basicially talking left with world class athletes.
At 12:26pm on December 25, 2008, Guillaume Morneau said…
Merry XMas !

Be Safe !

Guillaume -xx-
At 11:33am on December 25, 2008, Wilsy said…
Hey Sarah, Merry Christmas hope you have a great holiday! Cheers.
At 12:46am on December 24, 2008, Jonathan Spencer said…
Hello Sarah, It wanted in these so special days, to give the thanks for all it received, to build a place where can be with all my family and friends, those of fence and the from a distance. The ones that have accompanied me always and the of now. Those that I see each day and the ones that seldom Find. The ones that have accompanied me in the difficult moments, and the of the happy hours. Those to whom I know deeply, and those to whom I know barely by their appearances. To the ones that without wanting I wounded and the ones that without wanting they wounded me. The ones that owe me and those to whom I owe them a lot. The same old they recalled, and the ones that at times are forgot me. You want to recall to all the ones that passed through my life and to desire them some happy festivals, that can find the peace that need and to enjoy the love of their families and of those that love them. That the Hope, The Love and the Peace Flourish for all You…

At 12:44pm on December 20, 2008, AFD said…
Sarah Hello
Glad to see your profile
i hope your Christmas and new year
will be good and remain healthy
be safe have a wonderful week
always your good friend Anthony :o)
At 10:49am on December 4, 2008, Smokey4x91 said…
hiya chic,hope your well,hope to talk more soon,HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

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