Have you ever wonder what would happen if you had to save the life of someone close to you. Well lets start from the beginning.

On the morning of February 9, 2002, at 15 till 6am, my phone rings and its the 911 dispatch center calling to tell me my husband has been hit head-on by a drunk driver. Well I promtly told her I needed a real cigarette and a cup of coffee before I would talk to them, and I hung up. That morning 911 called me 3 times before I felt good and awake to talk to them. Now skip ahead 2 years, and 1 back surgury later. Yes he had 2 blown disks at L4 and L5. So life was beginning to take the turn of lots of pain killers. The problems were just starting to begin with too many doctors really not keeping track of how many drugs they were giving him. They had him on Ocycontin, Ocycodone, Vallium, Neurontin, Vicodin, Percocet. On May 10, 2004 I went out of town to take the EMT exam, I passed the test, just not part of the clinicals. Well I would have to wait till the next test time. So I went home May 11, and May 12, My husband starts passin blood really bad. So off to the emergency we go. I'm thinking Abdominal Bleed "BRIGHTS LIGHTS, COLD STEEL" hes going to surgury right. NO.... the emergency room doctors send him home. And I'm the one without a license. The doctors tell him " we know your bleeding, no we don't know why, but we are sending you home." So home we go. Next morning we go see our doctor. Smart man he slaps my husband back in the hospital for 9days cause he almost bled to death.. But they leave him on the drugs. So finally at the end of 9 days they tell him he has Ischemic Colitus ( Hardening of the arteries & Colin infection) and they send home again and tell him to eat more fiber. Well by this time I'm too scared to even think of leaving home again to take the test for my license. Besides I'm already a First Responder. And There is not much else difference between the two except for drugs and traction splint. I had wanted to get my license so I could quit my job as a bartender at a topless club. NO KIDDING!!! So October rolls around and everyone is doing fine except for my husband he is working at this furniture store and looking like a zombie. I kept tellin him something wasn't right. He's pretty hard headed. Anyway 1 day he gos on to work and I go to do my shopping. I was just finishing up at the bank, when out of the blue the bank manager offers me a job, but I told him I would have to think about it. While I was walking out the door I came so close to going back to get that job. I didn't, I chicken out. I went across the street to the grocery store and had just picked up the cucumbers when the pagers went off. We have a Ill subject down at the furniture store having chest pains. Well I drop the cukes and off running I go thinkin Its got to be my husbands boss Carl. So I get on the radio (206 to dispatch, what is the pt. age, dispatch says pt is 53) I'm thinkin (thank god its not my husband, hes only 42. So I get on scene first, I went POV, cause it was on the way, I set up command. I grab my med bag and run inside, first person I literally run into is Carl his boss he just points down to this office, I see the bouncers that work the club at night time. You see Carl is also owner of stripclub and my boss too. I run in the office drop my bag on the floor. I still don't have a clear view of the pt yet. So I'm tryin to get my O2 started and about at this time I notice for the first time that the pt is my husband. Only he's down on the floor and gasping for air. In comes Shanon our Asst. Chief and Rookie Chief Engineer. I yell at Rookie to get me HI-FLOW O2 going. I can't think straight. Thats my husband, no I'm the EMS person on scene. BIG TIME HEAD GAMES GOING ON. So Shanon, Rookie, and me are workin on him. I'm checkin for his pulse and rookie is settin up B/P Cuff. My husband rolls his head and says hunny help me. I'm trying, I got a bouncer yellin at me that I'm killin him. Which I finally yelled at him (Marcos go outside and find me the medics and bring them to me) Marcos says back to me in his finest mexican accent Susana I do that for you. Well at this time Rookie says he can't find a pulse and Serge my husband had quit breathing. So Shanon, Rookie, and I all look at each other, and I know we are thinkin CPR. I ball my fist up and dig my knuckles down into his breast bone and all of sudden Serge opens his eyes, and groans. I'm trying to think where the hell is the medics. Serge stops breathing again. I again dig my knuckles into his chest. (Well it worked the first time) He opens his eyes again. The medics finally get there about this time. I noticed about this time that Serges pants have been unzipped. Well we go to load and go and he starts falling out of his pants, hes not wearing any underwear so everything is falling out. I find out later on why his pants is undone. So we load him and off the medics go. Well Ross another firefighter asks me if I need a ride to the hospital, I say no I'm driving. They should have stopped me. I stayed on that medics butt all the way to the hospital. We get him in there and they start askin questions. Was it possible carbon monoxide poisoning, the ekg had read normal. His appearence was lobster red. After further testing they found that he had OVERDOSED on the drugs they had been giving him for the last 2 almost 3 years. He hadn't taking any extra His system had finally had enough. Remember your systems, if one shuts down the body will die.. Well his Cardiac and Respiratory gave out that day. I almost lost him for good. I figure it was because I had broken my promise to God about working at the stripclub. I failed the test at the bank with the job offer. All this happen October 18, 2004, and on October 19th i went an applied at Walmart, Target, and Petco, and waited. Serge Came home on the 20th, Friday. I had to go to work that night I didnt want to, I had sat by the phone all day waiting for any job to call me. I had prayed like no other. So well, I go to work. Serge told me its ok God understands. Well I start setting my bar up, tables ect. and Gloria the manager walks in and ask me why I'm there, I tell her I work there, Gloria says no you don't, I heard you quit. I started to ask why, then it don's on me God answer my prayers. This is wierd. I told Gloria Its ok You wouldn't understand and I walked out, and went home. I told Serge what happen and he says well I guess theres's not going back now. The next morning Walmart calls about a Job. Guess what I passed that test.

I ran into Marco's not long after all this, he was the bouncer yellin at me that I was killin Serge. I asked him why Serges pants had been undone, he say's he heard that you have to loosen clothing to help a person breath. I asked him what he thought he was going to blow.

I worked at Walmart for a year, got my husband started over there. He made Asst. Manager and I had to quit. So I'm home again. My husband is alot better sense then. No more drugs, his back is permanent, but we just take it day by day. We are almost finished with the courts on the DWI. The lady that hit him lived though this, she is free, in fact she never got a ticket. That is whole nother story. I will write about when I find a way that it doesnt sound so bad.

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Comment by susan on August 13, 2007 at 9:19am
Yeah back then it was. I wouldn't wish any of that year on my worst enemys. I found out that i don't operate to good when Im that close to the pt. I don't give up, but i don't work very well. Life is great now.... Thank God......

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