Nothing Breeds Success Like Success Itself...

As I mentioned in a previous blog, you'll notice that all of our press releases end with a common theme: Recruitment.

We pounce at every opportunity to get our recruitment message out to our target audience.

As an effective means of both recruitment and retention, we write a press release to announce new additions to our team every time someone joins our fire company.

Written properly, these types of advertorials can breed real success.

Hopefully, it makes the reader think: "If (insert name of someone they know or respect in the community) belongs to this organization, then maybe its an organization I want to belong to as well." [I believe they call that subliminal peer pressure.]

Listing the names and backgrounds of your new volunteers introduces them to the community, demonstrates your pride in them being a new part of your team, and makes them proud to see their name in print and associated with your fine organization. Instilling pride and self-worth helps set the stage for their success in your fire department.

Furthermore, as more and more people join your fire company, and you write about it, the potential candidate reading the press release might simply be impressed by the numbers and come to the conclusion that: "If all of these people are joining - it must be an organization worth joining."

After all, twelve or more citizens can't be wrong... Right?

When it comes to motivating citizens to act, this type of promotion further demonstrates that there's power in numbers.

And, as you can see in these press releases, the numbers don't lie.

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Comment by Joe Stoltz on May 26, 2008 at 10:18pm
Thank you - backlit outdoor sign... I knew there was a term for it.

Great idea about the members with years of service, too. I'll propose a committee at the next meeting.
Comment by Engine 32 Capt. on May 25, 2008 at 11:21pm
Well said. I think I can implement some of your ideas on my department's website (front page, of course). We also used to post pictures and bio's on a bulletin board, but for some unknown reason that stopped. I'm going to find out why.

Thanks for the spark...
Comment by Engineco913 on May 25, 2008 at 9:29pm
The cool thing my fire company does (on the same basis) is they release years served logs at the banquet yearly and also give out pins per 5 years of service. This generally will make the local paper giving the recognition to those individuals. Great stuff Tiger, as always.
Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on May 24, 2008 at 11:08pm
Joe -

We've done some of the same things. In fact, they just finished putting the last member name on our backlit outdoor sign, complete with years of service. Our guy, Frank, started with the members with the most seniority and went right down the line, 6 at a time, until all 48 members were recognized.

We've also posted photos of prospective members as well as new members, along with a brief bio on our bulletin board in the information center.

All it takes is a little initiative and a little effort to recognize your people for their service and thus reap the rewards of having happy firefighters.

Pick up where your deceased member left off. Keep the happy camper bandwagon rolling.

Nothing breeds success like success itself.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on May 24, 2008 at 5:47pm
One of our members (now deceased) used to post the names of the new members on the big sign in front of the firehouse. He would also take the new member's picture and post it on the bulletin board, so everyone would know who the person was.

Unfortunately, nobody has done it since Dick passed, but I'm working on recruiting a member who has lots of time on his hands.

As always, Tiger - great stuff!
Comment by Duane Monkres on May 24, 2008 at 12:55pm
A good press release punches the right buttons. Sounds like you have the winning formula. Great work.
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on May 24, 2008 at 7:25am
That is something we have never thought about doing. It is a good idea.....
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on May 24, 2008 at 7:07am
this, coupled with the previous post, and perhaps one more would make a good length for the July issue...we won't have as much room as the norm as the convention will be tying up a lot of space, but I think what you have fermenting here is too good not to run.

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