my libertarian thoughts on abortion

I have always felt the government should stay out of out private lives. So the political side of me understood the basic argument behind Row v Wade of a right to privacy and the government had no role in what a woman did with her reproductive choices. But the human side of me always felt that abortion was wrong. It was wrong to create a life and then end it. For years I debated this in my mind, then one day I resolved the issue. Yes there is a right to privacy, but that right is superseded by a right to life. Therefore the government does have a role because the proper role of a government is to protect the rights of the people. Since the right to life is a greater right than the right to privacy, the right to life wins and the US government should move to protect the right to life of the unborn. The US government is failing to protect the rights of the unborn as surely as it failed to protect the rights of blacks during slavery.

The rights we have are given to us by our creator. God instills these rights at the moment of conception. Not after the first or second trimester. Not when the fetus is viable outside the womb. Not at the moment of the first breath, by when the person is conceived. To abort a fetus is a violation of the right to life the same as if an adult was shot and killed in a robbery.

I am sure many libertarians will disagree with me on this issue. If they want they can kick me out of the LP. But I have now brought my political thoughts and my human thoughts into alignment and feel good about it.

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Comment by Melissa on May 18, 2008 at 6:55pm
Great way to put it!! I totally agree with you.

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