Former Congressman Bob Barr wnats to be the LP candidate for president. Here is a letter I shared with him

Dear Congressman Barr,

You asked for my thoughts on what issues and how you should address them in the event you become the Libertarian party candidate for president.

1. After one month in office begin a series of speeches, once a month that talk about the problems we face and your solutions to them. Explain the libertarian philosophy this country was founded on and how we need to move back to the idea of individual freedom and individual responsibility. Explain that decades of moving toward the nanny state will be a tough course to change, that there will be bumps as we make the changes, but it will be best for the country in the long term, much longer than the next election cycle.
2. Push the Fair Tax. Explain the huge benefits of it over the current system. It will increase the savings rate, end the waste of millions of productive hours and billions of dollars to comply with the current tax code and make this country the economic engine of the world again.
3. Privatize Social Security. I know it is the third rail of American politics, but it can be made so much better if we take it out of the hands of Congress and put it into the hands of the owners of the money, the workers who earned it.
4. Remember the 10th. Take a chapter from Neal Boortz and start a 10th amendment commission. Any program that is funded by federal money and is not a power given to the federal government in the Constitution is eliminated.
5. End Corporate Welfare. By enacting the fair Tax half the battle will be won because tax breaks will be gone. If we continue to give money to businesses we do one of two things, we prop up a bad business model and/or we help the bottom line. I want a business to succeed or fail on how well it performs, not how much tax money it can get.

I look forward to hearing your ideas on how to take America back to her libertarian roots.

Rob Fritsche
Committeeman, Jefferson Township
Cole County MO

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