If you're reading this, I'll assume you've already seen the editorial from Dennis Smith that I posted just before this. If you haven't, click the "back" button on your browser and read it. Don't worry, I'll wait.

It is truly sad, pathetic really, how soon some people forget the defining moments of our times. 6 years ago today Islamic terrorists murdered over 3,000 of our fellow citizens. Now, lets put politics aside for a moment. I know that is difficult for some to do, but let's try it.

It doesn't matter what your background is. It doesn't matter if you are a citizen of the United States. I don't even care if you are one of the many muslims in the world that actually believe we should all be treated with respect as human beings. Fact of the matter is, radical Islamic terrorists, fascists really, murdered 3,000 other human beings because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Let me say that again. They were murdered because they happened to be in the towers, or at the pentagon, or on a particular flight that morning. You can't begin to tell me that they selectively picked targets among the Christian or Jewish populations. You can't convince me that they took the time or effort to even attack just Americans. They indiscriminately attacked people that just happened to be there. Why? Because of a culture of hate and jealousy. And for those muslims who do respect other religions and cultures? You have allowed these fascists to derail a culture that once was the most enlightened on earth.

Yet even after so many were murdered, some people find it so easy to forget. Where are the memorials today? The only well publicized ceremony in this area is in Ellijay; a small community northwest of Atlanta that is far enough to be debateable whether it is even in the metro area. Instead, too many people find it easier to treat today as just another day. No flags lowered. No ceremony of rememberance. No moment of silence. Not even a discussion planned for prevention of further attacks. Absolutely dispicable.

I am personally disgusted. This isn't about FDNY. This isn't about politics. This is a rememberance of the worst mass-murder in our nation's history and a recognition that it did change our world, or at least our perception of it.

The danger is still out there. Bin Laden laid it out in his newest video; the goal of these Islamic fascists is to either convert us all to their way of thinking, or to destroy us. There is nothing in between. Mark my words, they will strike again. The question is not if, but when. The more important question is, will we have forgotten the lessons of the past?

Will we have ignored the wake up call of September 11, 2001?

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Comment by Peter on September 11, 2007 at 8:55pm
Thats what been bothering me today. What happened to "Never Forget" or "Always Remember"? Why have so many people already forgotten about what happened 6 years ago? My girl friend didn't even realize that today was 9/11. It is sad.
Comment by Wendy Bales-Clark on September 11, 2007 at 7:45pm
The calendar I have, indicates that today is "Patriots Day," I have heard no mention of "Patriots Day" on the TV's or radios. My son is in 7th grade, he says that was no discussion in any class today about our tragic day 9/11/01 in the United States. These people were murdered, MURDER IN THE 1ST DEGREE!
Every single murder was planned and executed!

I did not live in NY, I live in Chesterfield, VA, I work in a 911 center, I worked on 9-11-01 and I remember watching every horrendous picture/caption/discussion in total disbelief! This did not affect me just because I am in emergency services, it mostly affected me because I am a citizen of the United States of America! This was a personal attack on MY PEOPLE on MY SOIL!!!

I will never forget and I will never let my son forget and if indeed "Patriots Day" is what that are calling this day of remembrance, YES...the flags should be flown at half staff at the very least and it needs to be taught in US History!!!

Everyone that I have spoken to that is fighting for our country in Iraq, says that we are doing the "right thing" over there. The news continues to put people on complaining about the war, but the people in the armed forces, say that while they have been there they have found that the majority of the citizens of Iraq want us there. I am sorry that a war was necessary, but it is NECESSARY to make sure these citizens did not die in vain and to make absolute certain those idiots think twice before attacking us on our soil AGAIN!!!

BE STRONG and TALK IT UP!!! Always remembet and never forget...UNITED WE STAND!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Comment by Rich on September 11, 2007 at 3:18pm
If the Democrats have their way, we would all become sheep. 9/11 will become another shopping day and our children will not be taught the reasons those 3000 people were MURDERED!!!!
Someone once said we are doomed if faced the future not learning from the past. How many more citizens, firefighters and police officers will die until the politicians understand and REMEMBER what happened in 2001??

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