blargin flargin aggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO my buddy has been in teh Army since last fall...... and therefore with training and such hasn't seen anyone in approximately a bazillion years.........

It being officially summer break at the end of this week I said "hey, i'll come down to AZ and make a vacation outta it thatd be cool" ..... murphys law being alive and well the base is on lockdown that week now for training (just found out today)

No prob I said, I'll call travelocity and either get some of my money back or book for a different time.

Well, apparently if I cancel I get absolutely no money back, and if I change my itinerary there is a $400 fee plus extra if the cost of flight at that time would be more. (the origional price I paid was $600 so I am basically almost paying for a whole second trip).

Needless to say I am not a happy camper at the moment, and will be finding somewhere with better policies in the future :(

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Comment by Mike on May 7, 2008 at 3:57pm
blargin flargin fine print, it the event you dont read this 4 page legalease document we reserve the right to hose you totally with service charges, taxes, restocking fee's, handling charges, re-documentation fee's but do feel free to come again.... and thanks ?
Comment by lutan1 on May 7, 2008 at 1:33pm
Only a bazillion years? Me thinks that might be slightly exaggerated....

As for cheap travel- what's that saying? If it sounds too goo to be true, then it probably is.

What does the fine print say?
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on May 7, 2008 at 9:36am
I had a the same thing happen to me, I planed a trip. Paid for it. I than had to change the date of my trip...It cost me the 350$ to change up the dates. The orignal cost of the trip was only 400$. I have never used Travelocity since. I have had good luck with cheep and AOL traval.

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