Okay, First I want to say I like cops. I need them at every Haz Mat I go on! (LOL) Anyway, my town has decided to go from a Fire/Rescue Department to a "Public Safety" department. This means the small town cops will be trained as firefighters and respond to firecalls when they are on shift. We will also have the Police Cheif over the Fire side of things. I have worked with some of the cops that are/were firefighters in the past, they are okay. BUT!!!! What if he forgets to put his gun away somewhere and brings it in a fire with him? I won't go in a fire with a gun! Nor someone with a gun. Has anyone out there worked on a "Public Safety" department? Did it work? Any input is nice because the town is being tight liped over the whole thing. All we were told is "it starts in May" WTF???!!!!?? I need cops to do scene safety for the public...help me by keeping the public away from my fire truck! Don't grab MY tools on a car wreak! Block traffic so my guys are freed up and safe! Than we ALL GO HOME SAFELY! I guess time will tell, I'm just venting here and looking for other peoples feedback.
In closeing..I will stay away from the shootout till first responders are called in to clean up the mess...Thats my job! Do Yours, not mine! -Matt

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Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on April 8, 2008 at 9:17pm
Thanks, I needed that!
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on April 8, 2008 at 8:57pm
I have a conceld carry permit, I also have the same sidearm holster that 2 of our cops have. its not the belt...its the one under his shirt! However many people here and away tell me it can't hurt anything to bring a gun in a fire. It still dosen't sound right! As for mine, I only carry when I traval, I won't have it in town. But If I did I also have a triger lock and a case in my personal truck.
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on April 8, 2008 at 6:28am
Our chief runs most of the calls out of the year. He works 3 days a week. But that is 5 he is avilable and running calls. He is a good chief. We arn't sure why they want to make the change. Hopefuly I will get some answers on Thursday night.
Comment by Marie on April 7, 2008 at 11:09pm
with yall does the true chief chief actually show up on calls etc?????????????? with us the chief chief is a desk job so he wouldnt directly affect operations anyway and he relies on deputy chiefs to report to him so as long as there were still FD deputy chiefs itd still work
Comment by Brian Dumser on April 7, 2008 at 10:18pm
Yeah, hopefully the Police Chief will get Fire Chief level training, otherwise he's pretty much worthless on a fire scene! I wonder why they didn't keep the Fire Chief to run the Fire side of things. If it's a police incident, the guys operating as P.D. report to the Police Chief, and if it's a fire incident, the FF's report to the Fire Chief. I hope they've thought this whole thing through before something bad happens. Stay safe!
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on April 7, 2008 at 9:36pm
Out in Illinois who runs the Fire Department? A fire cheif or a Police Cheif with no Firefighting in his back ground? Here we have a Fire Chief with over 25 years in the fire service. We will lose that. In turn we get a Police Chief. We were told tonight that there will be a meeting on Thursday and we will be told the rest of the details. I will update it than.
I see a positive side to cross training, not to being run over, than run out.
Comment by Brian Dumser on April 7, 2008 at 6:42pm
Here in Illinois we've got a few "Public Safety Departments". The FF's are cross trained as Police and vice versa. As long as the P.D. gets the proper FF training, I don't see a problem. If they're just going to let the P.D. play firefighter, then I see plenty of potential problems! As for bringing a gun into a fire, as long as it stays under the bunker gear the heat needed to "cook off" the ammunition will not get to it. Stay safe!
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on April 7, 2008 at 4:50pm
The cops are 8am-10pm. monday-saturday. There is 1 to 2 on duty,
Comment by Marie on April 7, 2008 at 3:01pm
I mean if the switchover is going to cause issues with all the PD side calls getting taken care of I can definitely see that as a problem..................... but if you have 12 cops on the street doing absolutely nothing because its 4am and all the drunks are in bed and a 3alarm fire goes out where they need extra manpower i can see how using a couple cops on the suppression end of things could be good.
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on April 7, 2008 at 2:56pm
I'm not saying he isn't capable of doing other things. I'm saying he has his job as a cop. I'm a vol./part time firefighter, I have my job! The cops that vol in their spare time are great, I like to work with them! Honest! But. I have a problem with a cop leaving his duty to do mine. We all have our place on a scene. I'm a firefighter/First Responder I know my jobs and what to do...I also know that cops are great for keeping people away from the units, the fire, and checking for possible arson. Clearing a trafic light so a medic unit can get hear faster! Thats where I need them. I want everyone to know I'm not bashing cops...My dad is a retired cop! I respect them and what they do.

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