At the end of last year I had sevral firefighters on my combo dept ready to quit because we never did any training. The dept was a good ol' boy dept and I desided to make a change. At the end of last year I put my name in for the training officers spot. I got it! Now I'm a Lt. and T.O. I have spent nights on end to setup the training and cover everything from the basics to RIT training. Lastnight we did a a drill on pumping water from 1 engine to another engine in a 2 engine responce sernario. Right from the getgo there were problems, It seemed that the basics of dressing a hydrent was belittleing to everyone. Why was there only about 25% of the people able to do it right? If they will fight that than what will happen when I try to teach my pump operators how to use a hydro aissist?
Than one of the guys started up that he wasn't going to pack any of the ************ hose. It almost ended in a fight. I look back and it seems that at every drill there are people on their phones, chatting, or just trying to ruin what I have worked hard on. Even the people who are "helping" me seem to want to but heads and change everything up to something that is either wrong or way to advansed for our guys right now. I'm at the point of just being burnt out... I love what I do, but how much time does one waste on stuff that no one is going to take to heart and do right? I fear that this will continue to go down hill.
I take input from everyone on what they want to do and what we NEED to work on. I try to include everyone in all aspacts of the drills but only my jr. member and a few that just don't run calls seem to want to work. It seems that another change is needed..I just don't know what that change is yet. -Matt
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