BOSTON (WBZ) ― Firefighters everywhere, rejoice. You have the sexiest job title, according to a survey conducted by

The survey's participants chose firefighters because of their "ability to stare down danger, maintain top physical fitness and demonstrate compassion for others."

"One of the most refreshing aspects of our fun and informal survey is the high value consumers put on the job titles of firefighter's, nurse's, surgeon's and soldiers, where individual's are protecting and saving lives," said Meredith Hanrahan, chief marketing officer,

Personal trainers came in second and CEO's came in third in this year's survey.

Other job titles to make the list include bartender, pilot, nurse, surgeon, photographer, soldier and who can forget the good old American cowboy.

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Comment by mike wright on February 28, 2008 at 9:38pm
This just proves women love dangerous men. We do look danger in the eye and walk into it without blinking of an eye. Hey women love men in charge, and a uniform doesnt hurt. lol
Comment by Da Chief - Jim O'Neill on February 28, 2008 at 2:57pm
One of the things that sticks in my craw... I AM NOT an advocate of PT (physical training). Go back and look at the LODD's and see how many of them say "FF collapsed after performing PT in station" or "Recruit dies after performing evolutions at Fire Academy". It upsets me to no end when I see that our FF's are dying in the Line of Duty while exercising. When, if, I go I want to be pumping water and not iron. Just my opinion...
Comment by Engineco913 on February 28, 2008 at 1:48pm
I have to agree with Ted lol. I am a little intrigued by the maintaining "top" physical fitness.... If this were the case we wouldn't be staring down the line at so many LODD's. I guess the paper generalized.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on February 28, 2008 at 10:16am
Wow, I must be missing something.....I am both a firefighter and a nurse.......LOL Paul

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