Two Ropesville Firefighters Arrested for Arson

Well folks, it's happened again: volunteer firefighters busted for arson. Just what we need, huh?
Check for news coverage. All quotes I use here are from "Levelland & Hockley News-Press" for which I can find no web site, sorry.
Hockley County, Tx Sherriff's Deputies arrested 2 men late Sunday Night (2/24/08) for a string of 8 suspicious fires dating back to December '07, including a cotton module fire on Jan 18.
Arrested were: Jeremy Solis, 17 & Anthony Escobedo, 22 (who turned himself in on Monday). Both were released on $10,000 bond each. Solis has no criminal history, Escobedo was once a suspect in a burglary but no conviction.
What finally got 'em was a fire in an empty house owned by the Methodist Church on Sunday, 2/24. Among other items found by Deputies at the scene were footprints which they traced to the residence of relatives of one of the men.
The cops later met with the Ropesville Fire Chief & asked to inspect shoes in the station, finding a pair that matched the prints @ the scene.
According to Levelland & Hockley County News-Press report in 2/27 edition; "Solis and Escobedo were in the back of the fire station whispering when deputies Raul Romero and Jesse Quintanilla approached them. Solis, who appeared very nervous, walked up to the lawmen and allegedly told them he had started the fire. He was handcuffed at that time, according to a report."
Escobedo turned his dumb ass (screw political correctness) in on Monday, and gave a corroborating statement.
Hockley County Sherrif David Kinney told KCBD-TV news their motivation was "boredom".
Solis also told investigators he started the structure fire because he was tired of seeing the old house (sure, why not?).
Among the fires these two are accused of starting are a string of grass fires dating back to December '07. (If you knew the drought conditions & fuel load out here....)
Of course, there is more in the paper, but you get the idea.
Kills me every time I hear about something like this. How 'bout you?
A damn good fire dept., and Ropesville VFD is a damn good one, gets their good name trashed & the firefighters have to deal with the betrayal. As of yet, we don't know how this will affect the donations this VFD needs to survive.
Not to mention the risk they put their brother firefighters at that they otherwise wouldn't have had. Oh yeah, there's also a little matter of property damage, some of which prompted a local cotton gin to post a $10,000 reward for info leading to these arrests.
Every time this type thing hits the news, I get the standard questions: "Don't you guys background these people?"
Well yes we do, BUT when they have no criminal history & nothing in their background to raise suspicions, what do you do?
What about psych profiles? You gotta be kiddin....maybe if you're the Houston or Dallas FD you can do that, but what about a small rural VFD like this? You know how much that costs per applicant?
Folks, you can only do so much, the rest you gotta have some luck with.
Put yourself in their bunkers for a minute: What do you, as a dept, do to repair or maintain the public trust & support? What do you as Chief do to handle the morale of your firefighters after every TV station in a 50 mile radius sticks a camera in their faces? (Which, by the way, never happened here)
Also, did you notice the ages of these 2? 17 & 22. It's been my experience that the younger they are the more prone to this they are, although it's not unheard of for older veteran FF's to be caught at it. It's cost more than one FD their junior FF program.
Yeah, I know, I'm not offering any solutions here. That's not my purpose. I'm just reporting & commenting.
So, let's open the floor for discussion, I'm through ranting for now.
Thanks for reading,

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Comment by Tony P on March 31, 2008 at 6:02am
OK guys - I know I'm a bit late with this. But so what!

What a thing to happen. Too many people 'jokingly' call us arsonists anyway, and when one of the team let's us all down? Nasty. But about this innocent until proven guilty bit. Didn't the report say that they'd both admitted guilt? Here that means that all the court case has to do is decide on the penalty. Therefore guilty and so can be removed from the books. If the news article is correct.

Criminal checks are mandatory here. We're a State-wide service, but you have to have another police check even if you change from one Station to another. (Didn't you know that Lutan?) Psych testing is another thing, and it can never be definitive. I don't really see any value in it.
Comment by Mike Simmons on March 3, 2008 at 1:48pm
Right on all counts, gentlemen. In all likelihood the citizens won't allow this to color their view of the FD, but u never know.
I've lived in W. Tx about 10yrs (orig from D/FW area), but Oldman's right; They're pretty tight here. Not much different from my hometown of Boyd, Tx.
Were I chief, I'd get 'em all together & let 'em vent within the confines of the firehall. I'd remind 'em to refer everything to me & I'll take the heat.
Like Lutan1 said, I'd have a statement prepared letting the public know the dept has/is & always will be cooperating with law enforcement on this & the members in question are suspended pending results of the investigation. I would also be sure to point out that the other members are honest, trustworthy & dedicated to protecting the community & its citizens.
Back to the members: As chief I'd make damn sure they still have my full confidence & respect. I'd remind them that they may be called to testify for/against their (former) friends & strongly emphasize they are not to discuss the case, even among themselves, or compare notes as this could jeopardize the case in either direction unless & until cleared to do so by the DA & myself.
Finally, I neglected to point out that they are innocent until proven otherwise (thanks for reminding me, this is America after all).
Comment by Oldman on March 3, 2008 at 11:14am
It never looks good on any department career or volunteer, (and yes career firefighters are charged and convicted with arson). But lets remember one thing. These two have been charged, not convicted of an offense. Unless the Constitution has been changed, (which one never knows), one is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. As an administrative officer, I would immediately suspend the members/employees pending the outcome of a trial. If found guilty, they would most definitely be terminated without recourse. When dealing with any media or the public, it needs to be spelled out to the membership/staff to refer any and all questions to the Chief or designated PIO, and anyone making statements without proper authority will be terminated. As one who used to be a news director for a small town radio station, and as a current PIO, I can tell you the media can be relentless when trying to get answers, and even the phrase "no comment" can and will be used against you, plus you never know who in public may be listening.

As far as background checks go, if the person has never been charged, it wont show up. Psych evals? We all have to be a little throwed off to be in this business anyway, but research indicates that firefighter arson is initially a spur of the moment action, but eventually increases in the severity of the fires if they are not caught. I have overheard comments around the firehouse of wishing we would make a fire. My response is always the same, when we make a fire, someone is loosing something. It may only be a cotton module, or a grass pasture, but it is costing someone thousands, for the loss in revenue.
Little towns like Ropesville, Welman, or New Home are usually tight, and while there will be initial feelings of betrayal, I don't see them trashing or abandoning the entire department. Sure, the remaining members will have to be on their best behavior for a while, but thats what I love about those small rural Texas towns, they usually forgive. Of course a lot may have changed in the 20 + years I've been gone.
Comment by lutan1 on March 2, 2008 at 6:12pm
There's been in years gone by a spate of these here in Oz, naormally when a station is threatened with closure due to low call numbers.

I don't know the answer. Many here scream ofr compulsory criminal record checks but they're only good if you've been caught.

Is psych testing the ay to go? Don't know, and it'd probably eliminate half of us out anyway!!!!

In terms of your question about rebuilding trust- what a mammoth task that is. It'd hurt hard and fast.

For me (If I was the Chief), I'd be going public as quickly as possible admitting the issue has occurred and that the members are no longer members (Nor ever will be) and that they're facing charges. I'd also go on to highlight changes that have been made in recruitment and training (Even if there isn't much you can do to weed out these issues, I'd be pushing this barrow pretty hard cause that's what the public want to hear).

In terms of the other members, I'd definitely be pushing for media management training so as they know how to handle the media. I'd also be pushing "the company line" so as everyone is talking from the same book when and if they're questioned by the media and the public.

I'd also be laying down the law about what is acceptable and non acceptabvle to say, especiually when in public (around the local bar, etc). Again, the public don't need to be hearing all sorts of stuff about these guys....

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