They call me "Clubber". No I'm not a UFC fighter. I simply spiked a ball while playing Volleyball and broke a guy's finger. Some nicknames are funnier than others. "Lt Poop" happened to shart in his pants while running in fire school. He will forever be called" poop or poopie" ( I think his kids call him that). Some nicknames are obvious William Williamson is "Bill Bill", Richard Richardson is "Dick Dick". Others are not so obvious. "Hau's is not a big burly guy at all. He drives like shit. Full throttle full brake, even when not on a run. hence Hurry. Up And Stop. Someone (a sales person) called the station looking for firefighter "heldoogie" problem is his name is Holbrook. Many years later " Helldoogie wishes that guy never called. A short stocky guy we called " Pumba" left our station and for years Radwanski was called "Rad" at his new home. Until one of us happened to work there one day. He's "Pumba "again. What is your nickname? How did you get it?

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Comment by Christina on March 24, 2008 at 12:12pm
*grin* all my "boys" aka firefighters and coworkers call me Trouble *angelic smile* and the police officers I know and adore call me Tinkerbell. Patients usually call me the angel of death ;-o
Comment by Becca on March 24, 2008 at 1:51am
Well I have two first is FireBec cause I am firefighter and my name is Rebecca Go by Becca so Bec is shorter. Fellow Instructors call me PRINCESS cause I wear as much hot pink as I can. It tends to make people think I am dumb and then I can show them different. I have pink gloves and nomex and baseball cap I put on after a fire
Comment by Wendy Neumeyer on February 28, 2008 at 1:17pm
I got my nickname from my first Engine Boss on Wildland. It's a crew tradition to give the Newbies a name at the end of the season based on something about their personality or their actions during the season. Mine is Navigator - for two reasons...because my EB did well finding his way once he had been somewhere, but needed help with the mapreading to find it initially; second, he said he appreciated the way I was "navigating" my path in life. It was shortened to "Gator" a couple years ago by a guy on my crew, he said I have a deadly bite and I'm pretty good at swingin' my tail!
Comment by Marie on February 26, 2008 at 5:48pm
i have many a nickname.... white cloud to the medics cuz whenever im on an ALS unit we dont get jack (of course, cuz this is the one time i want calls, i want to learn, i want to prove myself!)

part-time by some cuz im a volunteer,

smurfette cuz im short and wear blue ems only gear, (i particularly despise this one)

polimedic (pronounced pauley-medic) for wanting to both pd and medic stuff

Fairfax to people from other jurisdictions, cuz apparently a lot of people know of fairfax fd for some reason... dunno if this is a good thing or not....

and rain goddess by some of the helicopter guys cuz when i fly we're guaranteed a night of being in no-fly status due to weather :)
Comment by James on February 26, 2008 at 4:32pm
My nickname is One Boot. It was my first run and I was coming through the bay and lost one of my boots.
Well I didn't realize it until we were about two miles down the road thank goodness it was only a alarm.
Comment by Johnathan Turner on February 26, 2008 at 1:41pm
Mine's a little weird. I earned the nickname grimm. Yea, as in Grim Reaper. During my probation phase while I was still getting my EMT-B training, I had 4 Apnic and Pulseless pts and 1 Burn victim recovery. So mine stuck as Grimm.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on February 26, 2008 at 11:35am many times as I've tried to get rid of it...
Funny thing is I hated it for years, when I left my first department I was free for about 3 months, then one of the guys called asking for Wally. WEll you got it, it stuck.
Cool thing about dad was Wally, as was my grandfather. So Im really WallyIII. God help my boys.
Comment by Chasefire on February 26, 2008 at 11:31am
Nicknames are one thing. But at my department they put your first Intial and last name on our uniform and the back of out firecoat. Imagine the problems for Andrew Hole or his brother Perry, Sam Lutz. You get the picture. But nothing compares to saying morning to a firefighter with the last name wood.
" Mornin Wood"
Comment by Paul Montpetit on February 26, 2008 at 10:42am
OK...I will admit it.....My name has become "Berney"...we had a fire and I stayed a little too close to the heat for a little too long....when I came out my coat was smoking....and thus..the name Berney....I even paid to repair the Paul AKA "Berney"
Comment by Franky on February 26, 2008 at 10:29am
Everyone on my new department likes to call me JR. Which kind of has two meanings to it. First, i was on a Lincoln Twp. Fire Department and they are known to break shit...So one day a man by the name of James R. backed a truck into one of my new departments drop tanks. Well as soon as i got on the new department i broke the valve on the engine. So everyone calls me JR for Junior and for James R.

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