The time is approaching that has been dreaded since the inception of our country. The far right is fast becoming the controlling biases of our government passing laws regardless of the people who founded America. We are losing rights so fast that you don’t even know their gone. Smoking was practiced by our founders now that is rapidly becoming illegal even in our homes. The right to have guns is disappearing. The right to hunt or protect our homes or families at risk. The right to even travel with in our own states is being controlled. Even the right to celebrate Christian events are controlled in some localities. How soon till you become chastised for being an American our language is under attack even now. The very fact that you are now required to speak other languages to practice some forms of work shows how far this has gone. The right of free speech is more of a thing of the past. Your very safety is now a mandated law. Have a drink and you might be placed in jail. Smoke a cigarette and pay up to $1000 fine, run a truck for heat or a/c and face fines or jail time. And the list goes on and on every day new laws to protect us from ourselves. We even have laws to protect the unearned rights of illegal aliens that are more enforced than the rights of born Americans or legal emigrants.
God bless America may it survive the coming days for our children
And don’t forget the veterans who fought ,died and bled for you to have the freedoms you take away so freely
Kim E Decker
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