Venting before exploding
before you read to far be for warned this is written by one pissed off firemen and father. The reason for this vent is stupidity in the upper ranks of our fire hall. My daughter finally talked me into joining after she had been a member for the last year and half. Then a newbie in the hall decided to get grabby and proposition my daughter of 15. Keeping in mind this idiot is 25 year old with a 4th grade education , yes for real he can’t even read. Any way the powers that be decided the girl needed a 30 day suspension for her safety. Then after 30 days are almost up she’s told that the letter still needs to be sent for suspension to take effect! What the hell she’s being treated like a dam offender rather than a victim. Now I will admit he is gone permanently as he should be. A person like that is a threat to any fire hall due to the trend of awarding victims large settlements. Also a person like this will tarnish the good public opinion of all firemen. I plan to give the hall till the first 30 days are up then walk in with her if they start any crap will post the address of the hall here for all to respond. I’m sorry if you disagree but women are very much part of fire halls and even as a trucker they are now days part of life on the road and will continue to be active in all our lives. Well all for now updates will follow

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Comment by Zeke Harman on January 8, 2009 at 3:41pm
Why in the hell did the dumbases suspend her instead of him
Comment by Damon Dyer on May 29, 2008 at 8:32am
Maybe if you kicked his ass he would get a life time suspension "for his safety" . As a chief i apologize for the actions that were taken they were WRONG and he should have been released . Not everyone does it right but we can hope they learn from their mistake .
Comment by Dennis on March 19, 2008 at 12:27pm
Hey kim being a father my self of 3 daughters why was she suspended it wasn't her fault that an ass was let into the fire house she should have recived an apolgie the chiefs and officers should have been first ones at your door fixing this the ass should have been arrested for assult of a minor and if that didnt happen he should have been taken out back and beatin to with in an inch of his life by the members there lucky it didnt happen in my house he'd be dead and burried never to be found again
If the officers there didnt do anything they i wouldnt wait call a lawyer cause they need a wake up call this is a brother & sister hood we protect our own and anyone woho doesnt belive that needs to leave
Comment by BIG Firefighter Bear on March 6, 2008 at 8:54am
Just a note to Heather..... DO NOT be ashamed or feel guilty about this. This WAS NOT your fault and you should NOT stay away from the firehouse! NO ONE has the right to dictate how to live your life and you should not live in fear or be disrespected by anyone, to include MEN!!!!!! This is an ongoing problem in the Fire Service. Men thinking that firefighting is for MEN ONLY...... I have worked along side some of the toughest women who can kick ass, take names, and still have energy to go on, compared to some men, who are over-weight and get tired after 30 min. of fighting fire. Stick to your guns on this....... IF this is your dream and your life, then DO NOT let ANYONE stand in your way......
Comment by BIG Firefighter Bear on March 6, 2008 at 8:54am
Just a note to Heather..... DO NOT be ashamed or feel guilty about this. This WAS NOT your fault and you should NOT stay away from the firehouse! NO ONE has the right to dictate how to live your life and you should not live in fear or be disrespected by anyone, to include MEN!!!!!! This is an ongoing problem in the Fire Service. Men thinking that firefighting is for MEN ONLY...... I have worked along side some of the toughest women who can kick ass, take names, and still have energy to go on, compared to some men, who are over-weight and get tired after 30 min. of fighting fire. Stick to your guns on this....... IF this is your dream and your life, then DO NOT let ANYONE stand in your way......
Comment by BIG Firefighter Bear on March 6, 2008 at 8:54am
Just a note to Heather..... DO NOT be ashamed or feel guilty about this. This WAS NOT your fault and you should NOT stay away from the firehouse! NO ONE has the right to dictate how to live your life and you should not live in fear or be disrespected by anyone, to include MEN!!!!!! This is an ongoing problem in the Fire Service. Men thinking that firefighting is for MEN ONLY...... I have worked along side some of the toughest women who can kick ass, take names, and still have energy to go on, compared to some men, who are over-weight and get tired after 30 min. of fighting fire. Stick to your guns on this....... IF this is your dream and your life, then DO NOT let ANYONE stand in your way......
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on March 5, 2008 at 12:57pm
I am guessing that you are getting the reaction that you are getting from the rest of the "good ole boys".
Heather is a minor, so I would get her and you and have a sit down with the chief, have everything expunged from the record. If that is satisfactory, then agree that the only thing that remains are the criminal charges against the perp and no further action on your part will be taken. If he even bats an eyelash, tell him "see you in court".
Heather should not be punished for Oscar the Grope's actions. It is a form of retaliation.
Get her clean record and your good name back.
Otherwise, let it fly. The "brothers" should be lining up behind you.
Comment by Bob on March 4, 2008 at 9:49pm
You can only hope that the max number of charges are filed, procicuted, and he is convicted of all. Heather you will work this out with your father and you hopefully should be back doing what you enjoy ASAP. Hang tough!
Comment by Heather Decker on March 4, 2008 at 8:39pm
I'm not mad at you but i wished you told me before you did this but it is hard for me to stay away from the fire hall?
Comment by yves rollin on March 4, 2008 at 8:25pm
HI Kim brother i,m in full aggrement with your opinion go buddy cook his ass if I was there I put my foot in is ass its absolutly incredible take care of your young daughter be safe buddy

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