I wish people would realize before it's too late that our trucks are large... When they plant trees, park vehicles, or just generally only make enough room for their sub compact car to go up the drive they don't think about the day their house catches fire or they have a heart attack.. Then they complain about our response.. I don't know how many times I have had to drag hose, or a cot a quarter mile up the driveway to do my job.. I like to help people but they could give us a break and remember no one is an island.

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Comment by Bill Branham Sr on September 28, 2008 at 10:52pm
Granted we carry hose but when minutes count it's frustrating and un-needed. I frankly don't want to have to hand jack 500 feet of 5 inch to a working fire because someone is too lazy to cut their trees back.
We carry lots of things on our trucks just in case.. and it costs people their houses and lifes.. It's just frustrating to have to deal with people who take style over function.
Comment by Bill Branham Sr on September 28, 2008 at 9:57pm
I guess I started something (good) but I get so frustrated at the stupidity of the general public and am totally amazed that they don't believe it's their problem until we can't get there but by then of course it's too late.. We do put a couple of paragraphs in our fund raising letter every year and I field calls and make visits. The call we had the other night is what brought it to a head for me but that happens a couple of times a year.
I really hate to put another law on the books but they may be the end result.
Comment by Jay Nicholson on September 28, 2008 at 8:36pm
Your county needs to pass and then enforce an ordinance that requires access for emergency vehicles. A richy area around here complained that the FD had put too many restrictions on their 'private' driveways. But the FD had the law on their side and prevailed.
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on September 28, 2008 at 8:10pm
I have also noticed that the public likes to plant bushes and trees around the hydrants!! So not only can we not get to the house because of the driveway but we can't find/have to search for the hydrant!!! Another post for another time i guess.. I'm glad we all see this and know its a problem. -Matt
Comment by Will2745 on September 28, 2008 at 12:45pm
our twp has recently enacted an ordanince on width and overhead clearance for driveways. we will also go out and give advise on requirements.
Comment by Robert on September 28, 2008 at 11:30am
I have to agree completely. The nail was not only hit but pounded home.
Comment by Norman E. Flanders on September 28, 2008 at 11:13am
Hi Bill, This post is a good one. All of us have this problem more so in rural America.
* One way to help correct this problem is to have your department send out a community news letter.
* Include in the letter a thank you to the community for its support.
* Advice the community that a posted address number helps with correct location in their time of need.
* Explain in your letter that you've encountered a few problems with narrow/blocked driveways.
* Then include a note asking them to look up/down the driveway.......then ask them to think if an emergency vehicle could make it there in their time of need.
* Also let them know that a member of the FD with a truck will come out an survey the driveway.
and will be willing to help by making suggestions.

Reaching out to them in advance with a positive notification. Your helping hand and positive attitude will win you some votes and support.
Comment by Brian Dumser on September 27, 2008 at 2:41pm
You've just hit the nail on the head Bill. The general public don't think about us until they actually need us. Sadly, I doubt this will ever change.

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