Havent been able to get up to the firehouse since last month, but some how im still involved in its drama. Why is it, that there is ALWAYS that one new probie that thinks he is CHRIST REINCARNATED and he can do whatever he wants? Start whatever he wants? With whomever he wants? And the officers think he is all high and holy, cause most of them tend to his every need! LET ME TELL YOU. The firehouse IS NOT a social event like your damn high school. Grow up and get real. You join the firehouse to become a better part of your community, TO SAVE LIVES! Your not perfect. No firefighter is. You can never reach the top in this subject, because there is ALWAYS something to learn. So this goes out to all the probies in all firehouses: dont get cocky. When you go to the firehouse, do your job.

And its not even just the probies anymore. Actuall members like to start crap to! Let me ask .. why are you even there? Do you remember why you first joined the firehouse? Okay, well look at what your doing. Now lets compare notes. Are we making this world a better place? By sleeping around .. fighting with our brothers and sisters .. gossiping behind our backs?

Maybe its just me. Cause I once had a vision of what being a firefighter would be like. I thought firefighters were like god walking the earth. And you know what? Thats what everyone else sees you as to. The people who are not in a fire company see firefighters as high class citizens. Who save lives, and property. When someone sees a firefighter in a time of need they are relieved. Because someone is there to help them, and it does not matter who you are, where you come from, or what you believe.

I wonder if they would even want us to save them after spending one day in a firehouse.

This is not the fire service any more. Its high school. And I already went through that. Hell if I need it again. So until things change within my local fire departments, im done. Im going in to ride calls, and leave. Just because everyone is a bullshit rescuer, does not mean the people who need my help will not get it.

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Comment by Sam Smith on April 1, 2009 at 11:10am
totally agree u aint alone
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 25, 2008 at 4:16pm
First off; I never said it was easy. Change never is.
Unfortunately, there isn't a more social culture than the firehouse. Think about it. Depending on call volume, you might very easily spend more time there with your "family" than with your real family. Add to that the drills, fundraisers, duty days and just hangin' out and alot of hours will get eaten by a person's involvement in the fire department.
I don't like the idea of using the fire station as a place to "hook up" any more than you do. Too many bad things can happen when the relationship goes bad. It can tear a tight knit bunch apart very fast.
Drama doesn't end with high school. Otherwise, there would be no reality TV.
You seem like a bright, young lady. I would say mature beyond your years. That is why you shouldn't give the "whispering" any second thoughts. Are you good at what you do? Do you do what is asked of you? Do you volunteer for tasks? Are you pulling your weight?
If you are, then you shouldn't give a rat's patoot about what someone is whispering about.
Be above it. Get a good foundation and then look for a department that has higher professional standards.
Don't get discouraged. Your generation is the future of the fire service.

Comment by Holly Jones on September 25, 2008 at 2:22pm
what im saying is that YES experience withing the fire department does matter when your riding the engine, or talking firehouse realted stuff but when PERSONAL buissness gets brought into the firehouse, why does experience IN THE FIREHOUSE matter? This has nothing to do with me being in the firehouse for 2 years, its that firefighters should not want to join a fire department just to start high school drama. A firehouse is not a social hang out, as it should not be treated like wise. When I get on the fire engine, I dont let that drama get into the way of the task ahead. But when we get back into station and everyone starts whispering, INCLUDING officers, my opinion does not matter because the officers have already made up their mind about what is true and what is not. So much for "changing the bigger picture."
It isnt as easy as you say.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 24, 2008 at 11:18pm
I've been looking at the bigger picture for over 28 years.
You're indicting your fire department because of the firehouse politics that goes on there.
EXPERIENCE is what will keep you alive and help to keep others alive. Why get so upset because of the one you targeted with your original post? Because I noticed that you added to your original post. And that's cool.
But, you're right. The firehouse kitchen table talk that you describe will add nothing to your experience other than you know that you don't want to be like that.
And I don't think that it is a "dumb thing".
You posted. I responded.
And your time in? Well, again; that lends itself to experience.
It will always come back to experience, whether it's with a fire department or with Life in general.
You don't like it; then be a part of changing it.
That's in the BIG picture as well.
Good luck to you.
Comment by Holly Jones on September 24, 2008 at 10:54pm
DUDE its doesnt matter how long ive been in! Look at the bigger picture here, if people keep being this damn cocky and the officers are the same, who gets saved? Noboby. Why does experience matter in this subject? Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 24, 2008 at 1:38pm
You're seventeen and been in two years with one year on your current department.
Comment by dan banker on September 24, 2008 at 2:17am
sorry to hear that your firehouse is that bad. It also sounds like your officers are not helping the situation. Is this all vol. are a combo. dept? We also had a probie try there almightier than god stunt and when brought to the officers it was stopped. This guy is not a probie anymore and has turned out to be a really good ff.
Comment by Damon Dyer on September 21, 2008 at 11:43am
You go girl you are not alone the problem is everywhere .

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