Before I give my views on the draft I need to let you know my background. I joined the army 8 days after my 18th birthday. It was during the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter was the president, the cold war was very chilly. I spent most of my 12 years wearing the uniform in the Texas Army National Guard. I love the army, I have the utmost respect for all of the men and women who wear the uniform today. It is an all volunteer force and all of the people in the armed services today have enlisted or reenlisted since 9-11 so they knew they were going to war. They are brave Americans and I thank them every time I see one.

But I am here to talk about the draft. Walter E. Williams, being an economist has a good economic reason not to draft people into the military. He cites his own example as a good loss to the economic system when labor is taken from the workforce and put into a uniform. But my arguments are based on what I see as the libertarian views on the draft. There are two reasons, either one of which is good enough not to have a draft, together they are a knockout blow to forced military service.

First, where does a just government derives its power from the consent of the governed. Each of us gives up a small amount of the power we have to form the government. However a person can not give up a power that is not owned by that person. While I have the right to self defense, I do not have the right to compel another person to help me in that defense. That is what the draft is, compelling a person to help defend the state.

If I feel there is someone coming down the street intent on doing me harm I have the right to defend myself. I can ask you to help and you have the right to agree to decline. I can not hand you an M-16 and force you to defend me and my property. I f I can not do that, where does my government get the right to do that? It can't!

Second, what do we call a person who is forced to work when and where we chose without a choice? There is a word for that in English. That person is called a slave. I hate to use that term because in tends to diminish the suffering of those who endured real slavery, but I can not think of another term to describe a person taken from his home, given a uniform, told what to do, when and where to do it and punished if he fails to do it.

Our military is here to guard out freedoms, How can we guard freedom, by making our citizens slaves of the state?

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Comment by Justin M. Roslevich on January 4, 2008 at 5:00am
If we had the draft back, I don't think that we would have the disrespect from children today. I served in the United States Navy during the Viet Nam war. Fortunately I never had to go there but had quite a few shipmates that had. I just completed a class for Fire Instructor 1 & 2 certification and veteran discrimination was discussed. We talked about the differences between when veterans returned from Nam and from Desert Storm. Only the instructor and I could fully appreciate the differences, as we had 10-25 years of life more compared to the "youngsters".
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on December 30, 2007 at 5:43pm
Rob I totally disagree with you. Totally. And I too volunteered served 8 years and to this day work as a federal civil servent defending my countries Defenders.
Israel has the right idea, Germany and Belgium and most of the rest of the world have the right idea. 2 years of service to your country are mandatory, be it military or civil service. Every able bodied man and woman is required to serve. Most are conscripted into the military and after 2 years are free to continuwe their education, or training in whatever field they have chosen.
Now if a real war were to bereak out on their soil, they have citizens ready to defend their homeland.
What do we have. Our young have every freedom in the world and yet they expect things handed to them on a platter.
Read the posts on this site, poor me no one respects me.
Go into the service learn what it means to serve and EARN their respect.

Unfortunatly I do not have time to finish this now...but be assured I will this evening...

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