I have read all about ghosts and orbs , private groups and the playing of games is going to ruin FFN . BUL...IT ! Everyone can put down what they want , We can read what we want . If you don't like it don't read it . I don't need anyone messaging me telling me how disappointed they are in me for my opinion or that my questions are asinine. I have two new firefighters because of this site , they read the stories, the blogs , seen the videos and looked at our groups so they decided to give it a try . But they did not like the problems of people being mean and griping about this or that person should not put this or that in here cause they were not a firefighter . If the person is even thinking about becoming a firefighter we should welcome them and encourage them . I don't think we have to many do you ? I issued a challenge to get more members and it has 9 replies and only one from our top twenty most active members come on don't you want us to grow ." Ideally it should be someone in or highly interested in joining fire/ems ." Don't discourage them before they make up their mind open your arms and your hearts and make new brothers and sisters .

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 10, 2008 at 6:32pm
Well, that certainly explains that!
Comment by Damon Dyer on September 10, 2008 at 2:57pm
Art they were on FFNbefore they came to the fire dept . .
Comment by Rick on September 9, 2008 at 1:31pm
I believe any site-any where that has a true "Free Speach Forum or chat" is open or should be open to anyone who wants to comment.
No one has the right to "Filter , infuence or direct" freedom of expression.
Why is it so many people believe they should be the key holder to imformation or life lessons?
If some one wants to post , and they are also sales people or recruiters - as long as thats not their sole purpose - who cares ? !
Reality some times sucks - most of the time its great - let each individual deside his own path.
The fire service is a noble endever - why is it so many deside only they have the right stuff to guide or control others!

"Freedom is Free Choice - Free Speach - Freedom should not be regulated by any man!"

God Bless
Stay Safe
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 8, 2008 at 2:48pm
If they are new, why are they reading THIS instead of reading the IFSTA manuals or your department's SOGs or Brannigan's book or your state's fire marshal website.
This should come at the end of the day for entertainment purposes only.
How can they relate to any of this if they haven't experienced our culture.
And I certainly wouldn't let them make any decisions on their future in the fire service based on anything that they have read here.
Personally, I want this site to be free of the bloodsuckers who prey on our human emotions for the opportunity to sell a service or a miracle product.
I don't want bad advice going out to the newbies. I want the BS meter to work overtime to make sure that the info being dispensed isn't going to get someone hurt.
And I definitely don't want to see it used as a dating site.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on September 6, 2008 at 6:28pm
Damon, I hear what you are saying. However, it also appears that you are using this site to get people interested in volunteering, and I don't think that is the intended purpose of FFN.

Having been a member of FFN for more than a year, I don't recall recruitment being a goal of the site. In fact, at the bottom of the main page it says: "This site is intended for use by current and former fire, rescue & EMS professionals. Non emergency service personnel may be subject to review and removal. Using this site inappropriately to spam/advertise or solicit members in any way will result in account termination."

If you've used this site to recruit new members, I think that is fabulous. But I wouldn't tell any prospective new members that this site reflects the fire service as it actually exists, even if it does; I like to show prospective new members the positive side of things, and get them hooked, before they discover our dirty linen and closet skeletons.

Your mileage may vary.

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