I have noticed a lot of negativity in the forums lately . Personal attacks about spelling to the playing of word games to a persons beliefs . I don't believe this is good for us , i know some people that were on here at the first of the year that do not come on because of the attacks brought upon them by the " guardians of grammar " and the " spelling specialist " . Just because some one don't think like you don't mean they can't be useful or contribute to a forum . All opinions should be excepted and the people should not be made to feel inferior .

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Comment by Jenny Holderby on October 15, 2008 at 6:47pm
This is not an excuse because it drives me crazy too but a lot of people don't pay that much attention to spelling. It isn't that they don't know how to spell, we've just gotten so used to running "spellcheck" & letting it fix our typeOs we don't realize how dependant we are. AND - TEXT!! I get text messages that I seriously have to STUDY to know what they say.
Comment by Damon Dyer on September 10, 2008 at 6:50pm
Hey guys thanks for the replies .
Comment by Jim Seargent on September 9, 2008 at 12:53am
please, please, please be safe.
Comment by Jim Seargent on September 9, 2008 at 12:51am
i cant agree with you more!!!!!!!!!!there are people who just like to right stuff because it makes them look smart.if you want to do that then just go to a school and be smart to the smart people.if they cant just be freinds then they have to be the other side of the ocean. there are times that the words need to be spelled right but this is a site for firemen not scholars!!!!!!!!who cares that i mispell a word if i am doing the same job like you are? If i get the fire out who cares if i can spell rite? if the hero out there are doing the job for the love then they should get the love in return.i love all of the brothers and sister out here on,and wish the spelcheck police would go police the other sites.
Comment by Brian Dumser on September 8, 2008 at 6:50pm
What's wrong with Firechief911's name?
Comment by Damon Dyer on September 8, 2008 at 6:25pm
Here we go again firechief911 was harrased about his handle i don't see what is wrong with it . Live and let live .
Comment by O'Kitty on September 5, 2008 at 10:35pm
Luckily for me Michael, I am a spelling ace! ;-)

I thought you had spell check here, but apparently it was Firefox. I've been signing in to FFN more from IE than Firefox lately. I didn't even know Firefox was spell checking me.
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on September 5, 2008 at 6:38pm
I am sorry if I left the impression that you need to be a spelling ace when replying to blogs, that's ridiculous. I also want to clarify that my discussion was focused on whoever is going to be the spokesperson (PIO) for their department needs to be able to do a good job communicating and sending a good message about the fire service image. This is totally different than the content of a discussion or blog post. Apples and oranges.

Given the fact that once you hit enter, you either have to live with your mistake or copy it, erase it and repost it. I know that Dave is working on this and I am sure that this discussion point will be come moot down the road.

The only blog posts that I have seen to date are posts where someone is teasing someone and not being mean. Tankers verses tenders, things like that and those types of interactions are fun to both read and participate in.

Long live the FFN! Mike
Comment by Brian Dumser on September 5, 2008 at 6:17pm
Or you can go low tech like me and keep a dictionary by the computer. : )
Comment by Firefighter Nation WebChief on September 5, 2008 at 11:16am

There is no spell check here, never has been and probably won't be. If you saw something that looked like a spell check it was probably built into your browser.

I strongly encourage you use Firefox and download of of the dictionary plug-ins which automatically highlights words that are misspelled within the text boxes, etc. (here or on any site). You can download Firefox at mozilla.com and the plugins are at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:3


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