Well I thought this would be a good question. I personally have on or in my turnouts: 3 door stops, pliars, cutters, rope, light, pass device, a piece of strap i use for 2in2 out rule really helps a ton unless it gets stuck on something, multi-tool, helmet light if i can find it. So yea Id love to hear about what everyone else never goes in with out. Well everyone stay safe out there


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Comment by Brad Dietlin on November 15, 2007 at 6:19pm
The webbing that I carry(the longer of the 2) is always carried with a water knot already in place so it's easily tied into a hasty harness. The smaller piece is for the doors.
Comment by Moose on November 15, 2007 at 3:30pm
I agree with you Paul, and Im not insulting anyone here either when I say "K.I.S.S". The webbing for the harness is all well and fine, but the time it takes to Make the harness and apply it should come into factor. I find the easiest form of self rescue is 35' of Rescue Rope with a Large "D" Ring biner, latch the biner to a tool or building component, throw the rope out the window and do the body belay. To rescue someone else, a simple 3'piece of prussik cord tied in a prussik loop in your pocket is easily deployed, quickly wrapped around air pack harness, and you have a handle to drag them out. So besides those two things I have wedges, Combination spanner, shove knife, flashlights...The rest of what you need is grabbed when you exit the truck. Good question though and its interesting to see what everyone carries.
Be Safe Everyone.
Comment by Maygin on November 14, 2007 at 6:20pm
Pretty much everything you said and socks.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on November 11, 2007 at 7:28pm
I have to ask, and please I am not being smart....BUT....with all the crap some people are carrying...How the heck do you fight the fire..?? I try to keep it simle..as noted....but with turnout gear, an airpack and lugging either a 1 3/4 or 2 1/2 inch line in heat and smoke...I think there is a limit....Stay safe all.......Paul
Comment by Ronald Williams II on November 9, 2007 at 11:36am
Lets start off w/ the pants. rescue gloves, fire gloves, cpr pocketmask, 4in1 spanner/gas shutoff/window punch/ pry bar, a spare set of rescue gloves and fire gloves, 35 ft peice of webbing for full body harness set up in a daisy chain, a 8 ft peice of webbing set up for rescue which has 2 loops for hands arms ext. for dragging purposes, a spare spanner wrench.
ok now the jacket, another cpr pocketmask, flashlight, saftey glasses.
and my helmet has 2 wedges, a light, pair of sissors, and a spare nomex hood (also a good for wiping sweat off your face)....RON
Comment by Paul Montpetit on November 9, 2007 at 9:43am
Ok, I have a pair of cable cutters, a muti-tool, a gerber hinderer rescue knife, a back-up flashlight (handlight)and here's one for the books...a handfull of #16 nails banded together with a rubber band....put one in the door plate and close the door on it and it will work a whole lot better and cheaper than wedges.....Paul
Comment by Brad Dietlin on November 8, 2007 at 10:07pm
Me personally, I've got a flashlight, wire cutters, webbing(great for holding open doors or rescue), safety glasses, a multi tool, and my extrication gloves. I think I've got a door wedge in there somewhere.

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