I don't know how many people are aware of Firefighter Close Calls' web site, but I am on the secret list, and I receive emails from Billy Goldfedder about happenings in the service. Today I got an email that really hacked me off and I am ready to burst...my head may explode, but I have the duct tape ready. The most recent email was about an VA engine co. ENR to a fire, lights and sirens full blown, and were making a left turn when a Ford Taurus hit them, reportedly so hard the rear tires were lifted off the ground. The sheer force of a Taurus lifting a rig off of the ground just blows my mind. I drive to and from work appx 65 miles in one day, so I see a lot of crazy stuff. People eating, reading books and newspapers, talking on cell phones, riding with dogs or (heaven forbid) kids on thier laps, drinking (wether it be water, pop, or even beer), and my husband once saw a woman knitting....all while driving. My husband drove our rescue squad code 3 just yesterday to a breathing difficulty call and at one intersection there was several people who just didnt want to stop for the squad. It is so infuriating how no one seems to give a flyin crap about anything but their own perogatives! Am I alone in this? I dont think so, I know my husband agrees. I just wanna join a police department and start writing so many tickets the world will fear me. "Holy crap its her!!!!" But I could never give up my beloved fire badge. I dont know how to solve this problem, we have fire prevention week, and the kids all learn in elementary school about fire saftey, but when you get to HS, go thru driver's ed., they turn you loose, and you never look back. Too many apparatus in accidents because of other's negligence. I personnally know of a truck hit head on by a pick up trying to pass someone because they were stopped and this guy was too busy to realize what the he** was truly happening in front of him. Luckily no one was seriously hurt in my friend's rig, but the VA accident, the Taurus driver was killed. Sadly this is the major downside......

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