As we grow old we neglect to want to act our age, and so as often happens, injuries occur. But sometimes things could be prevented. In my case of course the only course of prevention would have abstained from horsing around, but it just looked soooo fun!!! The kids get all this cool moon walk stuff, and there never was any of that when we were kids. So when the guy in charge tells ya " Yeah sure, It'll hold adults, go ahead! " I was the leader of the pack! Thru the tubes, over the small hill, up the rock climbing simulator to the top of the big hill....supposed to go over & down the big slide, instead I slid back down the wall and twisted my ankle. It hurt. A lot. Then I just walked around on it for 3 weeks before going to the Dr, where I got Xrays that showed nothing, then a week later got an MRI. My Orthopod tells me that it needs to be immobilized and I get to have a hard cast. Yay. Not thrilled. Now, 3 weeks later, I am in an air cast, still getting a lot of pain, and still have a ton of contusions. The moral? Act your age, and you wont get hurt. Thank you doofus girl, I will remember that the next time I wanna act like I am 5. Anyways, regular injuries come the same way. We really have to work on keeping in shape. I see so many firemen, who really could use a better diet and a regular workout plan, and so many things could be prevented just by stretching regularly. So many people end up dying just from heart conditions! Most of the time because they do not have good cardio health! More and more volunteer departments are going to physical exams to join, and I think that is a wonderful thing. If you cant save yourself how you gonna save anyone else??? So that is my soap box for the day!

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