For those of you who have responded to my forum "top five issues facing ff's," you have seen that ff fitness is one of the issues that alot of ff's are thinking about. The sad thing is... its true!!!! While attending FDIC this year, I saw more overweight people then I ever wanted to. I'm talking a hostess shop could have opened and sold out in five minutes!!!! Okay... so maybe that last part isnt true but the point is we as ff's face a dangerous, physically demanding job on a daily basis and for some, the most exercise we get is walking from the bunk room to the kitchen table. Okay... enough rambling... what are we going to do about it? Well I cant make you get on the treadmill but I have an idea that I hope will inspire. FFN Biggest Loser Challenge!!!! Wait... is that copyrighted? Oh well... is copyrighted even a word? lol. Okay so heres how it works... Use this blog page to post your starting weight. Come back as often as you like to post your progress. After six months we declare a winner. What do I win you ask???? How bout a healther life and a new body to show off. (Unless the webchief feels like pitching in some cabbage for a shiny new car or something lol.) I can hear it already. "what about you dustin??? are you going to be in the contest too???" As a matter of fact I am!!!! I may not need to lose a whole lot of weight but anyone can always be healther. So... here goes... just got on the scale. My starting weight is 178. One problem I do have is high BP so I'm gona track that too and see if I can bring it down. Starting BP (damn... taking your own bp is not easy lol)... 158/98. Yeah, I told you it was high lol.

Dont be afraid to join the group "fitness for Emergency Services." Theres alot of good people with alot of good ideas there that can help you get started. Also, there is a ton of information online that you can find about losing weight properly and eating healthy so check it out!!! Okay kids... lets get started!!!

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Comment by jdk on May 29, 2009 at 9:48am
Ok, I am in. I am 6' tall weigh in at 220, BP of 145/95. I am starting 5/29/09 and hope to get to 190 by labor day (maybe that's a stretch). What motivates me is how exercising and eating healthy makes me feel. I have more energy and am in a better mood. I have been running 2 - 3 miles 3x a week and doing 2 full body weight routines 2 x a week. This has worked in the past if I can keep away from the junk food, Good luck to all- Get healthy for yourself, your family and your profession.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on May 29, 2009 at 9:44am
Got on the scale this morning and was pleased to be 206!

Comment by Dave Hardesty on May 29, 2009 at 9:26am
We started this in Columbiana County Ohio this past Tuesday. 4 years ago I was a whopping 398 lbs. Today i am at 260 and want to at least get down to 210 to 220. I was diagnosed diabetic 3 years ago and changed my eating habits to help lose the weight. Doc said maybe by dropping more I can come off the meds. They have been cut back greatly as I lose the weight. So theres my goal and I am in with all you guys and gals to make this work. I think I needed this for a little more incentive to hit my goal. Thanks to FFN and Columbiana County FFs on the challange.. Stay Safe my brothers and sisters and again Thanks!!!
Comment by Michael Sammons on May 29, 2009 at 8:14am
Dustin, Great Idea! I have already started ( about a month ago). My Start weight is 284 lbs. I'm Currently at 275.
Comment by Cariba on May 29, 2009 at 8:09am
Hey all! Starting weight: 125. I'm 5'1" and not technically overweight, but I know that if I lost a few pounds my running would improve. Goal weight: 110ish. Really just whenever I feel better I'll be happy. I already workout consistently, but I need to improve my eating habits. I eat really healthy most of the time, but I like to bake a lot and I live by myself and I tend to eat a lot of junk food. So my goal is to keep working out the way I do and eat less sugary stuff! Good luck everybody! Thanks for posting this... it's a great idea!
Comment by Edward Doucette on May 29, 2009 at 5:22am
Hello All,

FF Edward Doucette, Starting Weight 248lbs. looking to get down to approx 180lbs. Starting BP 132/85. Good Luck To All..
Comment by Ivan Rios on May 29, 2009 at 1:10am
Im in i currently weight 265 6'2. i dont know what my BP is but last i checked i was normal. I just got the P90x workout and tried the first 2 videos. pretty tough stuff but great workouts!!! im hoping to go down to 210 wish me luck
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on May 28, 2009 at 11:48pm
WOW!!!! This is awesome everyone!!! I was hopin this idea would take off and seeing as we have five pages of comments in less then 24 hours, I think it worked. Best of luck to everyone who has decided to participate!!!
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on May 28, 2009 at 10:52pm

So That was August or September 2008. I was 245ish. The whole ish part is because I would not get on a scale. I know I was at least 245 in November from my last fitness evaluation.

More like a lack of fitness evaluation, but thats where I was...

On January 8th I committed to changing my life, and took several steps to make that happen.

The first was giving up sodas, now I wasnt a leaded coke drinker, but I drank 3-5 Coke Zero's a day and about zero water. So I gave it up and started drinking water and Rehydrate.

My diet changed as well, but not radically.

My issue has never been that I eat garbage, it has been I eat way too much.
I did add more veggies into the mix, but the big thing was, I went to what I knew worked, Advocare MNS. I got the enengy needed, plus the appetite control that gave me the will power to push away from the table after only 1 helping.

The third thing I did was get back on the bike.

Unfotrtunately about 2 months ago we lost our inhome sitter and my commuting to work ended abruptly. On the other hand, I am able to work out at the station most shifts, so I am not totally dependent on riding to get my workouts in.

Basically I used a very sensible combination of a healthy diet (not a diet), supplementation from a company (ADVOCARE) I trust enough to become a distributor for (37 pounds in under 4 months), and a realistic workout program to get me more than halfway to my goal of 180 by fall.

As of last Sunday I was 208! 208! I'm not where I want to be, but I have gonne from not fitting into my clothes to well, my clothes dont fit me anymore.

Ive lost over 7 inches in my waist and over 20 overall.

The best part is I am able to hang with my kids, and not question my self on the fire ground!

This is me today

Comment by Steve Riehl on May 28, 2009 at 10:44pm
Istarted weight watchers on April 13th weigh at 244lbs and as of today i'm down to 217lbs

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