Ted Mead's Blog (5)

Memory, Stress, and Counseling.

This is a kind of touchy subject because every person is different and how they handle stress is myriad as well.

there are those of us who are Cursed with a photographic memory and in our line of work the trauma we deal with can take its toll in ptsd.

now many people would say its not a curse but a blessing! NOT REALLY!!

no matter how long it goes on a stressful event can be likened to an angry crow in your head screaming at regular intervals in your ear so you never…


Added by Ted Mead on June 7, 2020 at 9:52pm — 1 Comment

dedication to our departments

we all know that it takes dedication to be a firefighter/ems/ police!.

Its difficult for the average person to understand the dedication we put forth to the community and often we face criticism from people who just don't get it!

being part of a fire department whether its a paid dept or a volunteer one takes a certain amount of character that people only find they have after they have joined.

there are those who feel alone, depressed, and often mildly…


Added by Ted Mead on November 6, 2019 at 12:46pm — No Comments

vehicle rescue training refresher

had a little vehicle rescue refresher training today to give the new guys a little practice with the jaws of life.

our trainer was excellent in explaining the different methods and options for cutting a vehicle open.

our local salvage yard happily donates car bodies for training!1534893485377.jpg

Added by Ted Mead on August 21, 2018 at 6:00pm — No Comments

early morning fire in Eldred Pa Numerous companies and ems services responded, multiple patients transported to hospitals for smoke inhalation. traffic was routed to alternate routes due to main stre…

early morning fire in Eldred Pa Numerous companies and ems services responded, multiple patients transported to hospitals for smoke inhalation. traffic was routed to alternate routes due to main street being closed off completely.

no serious injuries but it was a long battle (over 4 hours) for the crews who responded!

Hats off to the guys and gals of Eldred, Port Allegany, Coudersport, Olean, Roulette. Knapps Creek, Smethport, Otto, and Portville


Added by Ted Mead on June 22, 2018 at 1:16pm — 1 Comment

Personal Duty Standards

Being former military I have a deeply ingrained sense of duty and commitment so I hope this doesn't drive people away, I have seen discord in different departments and jobs caused by drama llamas and the Im special attitudes! (and if anything sours my temper it's that type of Bull crap)

As far as being in a fire department you take an oath to serve and protect your department and its members, and contention in the ranks has no place there

we are better than that

For me…


Added by Ted Mead on April 17, 2018 at 10:55am — No Comments

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