Denise's Blog (5)

See ya' on the other side

When my fait has risin, and my soul has past, these are the things that I must ask. When the time has come, and sorrow is here, in good times, and in bad, I'll always be near. I ask for laughter, and joyous hearts, when celebrating the beginning of my new start. What a privalidge for my watchfull eye, to watch over you till the day you die. But, when you shower, know I'll be there, so wash that ass, and shave that hair. And when you smell the delicat scent of my mane, don't be alarmed, your not… Continue

Added by Denise on February 25, 2008 at 1:07am — No Comments

Perception is reality

If people really knew me deep down inside, would they see what I have locked in my deep brown eyes? If my eyes are the mirror into me soul, what are the truths that would unfold? Would people see the real me or something of their own reality? When I look into the mirror of my reflection , I only except judgment at my own discretion.. In my eyes I see a loyal soldier, always there, to lend a shoulder. Be there when times get rough, help you out when you had just enough. In my eyes both a soft… Continue

Added by Denise on February 25, 2008 at 1:05am — No Comments

A mothers poem to her daughter

They say your children will be worse then you times three. But, I'll tell you I was honorably blessed the day I lost my virginity. I must admitt at first I was deffinatly affright. The thought at sixteen bringing to the world a new life. How was I to raise her and what was I to do. Thankfull for the help I got from few. Remembering back on the day of your birth. One look in your eyes and I knew you were meant here on earth. Why you were meant to be I do not know. But, I sure am eager and avid… Continue

Added by Denise on February 25, 2008 at 1:01am — 1 Comment


Impatient I am,

so much a sin,

To complete these goals,

I possess within.

Nothing seems to be going right,

I'm falling behind,

Lost in a failing translation,

Loosing my mind.

Into the abyss,

Of dispositions missplaced,

Walking with disappointment,

And a look of discrace.

Seems I'm bounded from life,

Not allowed to have,

It strangling me… Continue

Added by Denise on February 25, 2008 at 12:58am — No Comments

We Are Born

We are born with two eyes in front of us because we must not always look behind, but see what lies ahead beyond ourselves. We are born to have two ears- one left, one right, so we can hear both sides, collect both the compliments and criticisms, to see which are right. We are born with a brian concealed in a skull. Then no matter how poor we are, we are still rich. For no one can steal what our brain contains, packing in more jewels and rings then you can think. We are born with two eyes, two… Continue

Added by Denise on February 23, 2008 at 7:15pm — 1 Comment

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