They say your children will be worse then you times three. But, I'll tell you I was honorably blessed the day I lost my virginity. I must admitt at first I was deffinatly affright. The thought at sixteen bringing to the world a new life. How was I to raise her and what was I to do. Thankfull for the help I got from few. Remembering back on the day of your birth. One look in your eyes and I knew you were meant here on earth. Why you were meant to be I do not know. But, I sure am eager and avid to watch you grow. So far I've watched you blossom into this delicate flower senative and devine. A daughter I am graciously proud to have as mine. Your loving, funny, outgoing, and smart. You posses these qualitys from your own mother's heart. I know at times I am overly protective. Only to shelter you from the things I was subjected. I only want the best for you in everything. In all your future adventures and life's offerings. Remember my love, to yourself always be true. I will do my very best to help guide you through. Nothing on earth can bind our love apart. For you truly are the one I hold dearest to my heart. In life you will get thrown some ugly curve balls. Even at times you will also fall. You always pass failure on the way to success. And at times life will seem as one big mess. Also at times you will experience pain and hurt. But, always allow yourself to exert. Exert yourself always to the best you can. I'm always at your side for that extra hand. I know I may not be the best mom ever. But I do promiss to love you forever and ever. I'm glad I was young when I had you because now it seems so clever. Because now in our lives we can walk and grow together.....
Higher then the mountains, deeper then the oceans.

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Comment by Chris on March 3, 2008 at 3:47pm
Just beautiful Denise! Respect!

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