When my fait has risin, and my soul has past, these are the things that I must ask. When the time has come, and sorrow is here, in good times, and in bad, I'll always be near. I ask for laughter, and joyous hearts, when celebrating the beginning of my new start. What a privalidge for my watchfull eye, to watch over you till the day you die. But, when you shower, know I'll be there, so wash that ass, and shave that hair. And when you smell the delicat scent of my mane, don't be alarmed, your not insane. It's only me, here for a while, sunshine or rain, to make you smile. So, remember my giving nature, the loyalty possessed in my heart, remember my passion for life, the essence of my eternal spark. I would like to leave some advice here on earth, things could be better, or things could be worse. So, appriciate the things you have, not the things you don't, thats all I have to express on that paticular note. Another piece of advice, and I know will help, practice safe sex, and go fuck yourself. And if I were buried, I would moon my ass, for all to kiss, who doubted my path. And if I were set into flames, in this urn, you'll find my remains. So, spread my ashes across the wide open sea, and in places you'll always think of ,and remember me.

. Much love to all my friends and family to whom I will
always protect in my heart. See you when you get here
Lu-Lu (aka) Denise Marie

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