Aaron Zamzow's Blog (41)

Stay Hydrated, Stay Alive...

Heart attack and strokes are more likely to kill firefighters than an actual fire.  A recent research article just confirmed one of the major reasons why.   The research confirms that the physical demands of firefighting may trigger the formation of blood clots and impair blood vessel function -- two factors associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke.  (You can read more about that…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on April 13, 2017 at 11:48pm — No Comments

Get Paid to Get Fire Rescue Fit in 2017!

Over $2,500 in cash and prizes will be given away to Firefighters, EMTs and Medics! 

YOU can Win and more importantly Motivate Others!  

Don't wait, get your program and get started today!

The purpose of the contest is to motivate Firefighters, EMTs and Medics to change the…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on January 10, 2017 at 9:25am — No Comments

5 Healthy Food Hacks for Fire Rescue Athletes

Do you want to know how fit fire rescue athletes make nutritious meal choices?  Here are some shortcuts, go-to recipes, cooking suggestions and go-to snacks for making the life of a fire rescue athlete a little healthier.

Eating healthy with a demanding job can be difficult.  Add in the fact that the firehouse is usually full of non-nutritious choices like cakes and baked goods and its no wonder that obesity, diabetes and heart disease are huge concerns in the fire industry.  Yet, as…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on April 14, 2016 at 7:46pm — No Comments

Firefighter Fitness- 4 Reasons Why You’re Not Seeing Results…

Its the dead of winter, football season is over and spring seems so far away.  This is also the excuse season, the time of the year where most people fall off the fitness wagon and start to make excuses.  Its especially easy to make excuses and miss workouts if your not seeing results.  So, today I wanted to give you a little guidance and motivation (check out the FRF Fit for Duty…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on February 12, 2016 at 2:03pm — No Comments

Stop Exercising and Start Training to Get Fire Rescue Fit...

Before I worked as a firefighter, I was a trainer in both large and small health clubs.  During that time I would see a lot of people exercising consistently and with intensity but only make a limited amount of fitness progress.  Why? Because we are all creatures of habit in the gym and out.  These “snail paced progress” gym goers were all doing the same…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on January 14, 2016 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

Portion Control Strategy for the Firehouse

Cooking in the firehouse is pretty difficult.  One of the biggest fears of every firehouse chef is not preparing enough food for the crew.  This fear usually leads to an excess of available food and larger portions around the table.  So, today I wanted to give you a quick and easy “trick” you can use to get your crew to take smaller servings.

Answer this question:  Which is the larger black circle – the left or the right?…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on November 12, 2015 at 2:39pm — No Comments

Trick or Treat... Why Sugar is Bad

If your firehouse (or house) is anything like the one I work in its full of leftover candy and sweets. Now I must admit, I like a good treat now and then but often I have a very difficult time stopping with just one.  Why?  Sugar.  Its everywhere in almost everything and too much of it can cause some serious health issues. Some foods, such as fruits and carrots, naturally contain sugar, but watch out for foods with added sugars, such as baked goods, cereals, crackers, even sauces and many…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on October 30, 2015 at 11:50pm — No Comments

Start your Next Firefighter Workout with This...

Are you still warming up for your workout by jogging or biking or maybe not at all?  Each one of your workouts should start with specific active stretching movements.  In the past you may have skipped this part, but I assure you these exercises will help strengthen and even tone your body.  In fact, if you had just 15 minutes to workout I would want you do an active warm-up routine (or one like…

Added by Aaron Zamzow on September 24, 2015 at 10:23pm — No Comments

The Ultimate Firefighter 9-11 Tribute Challenge Workout

Every year around September 11th I like to take a moment and reflect on the significance of the day and honor those that sacrificed (and continue to sacrifice to this day).  I encourage you to do this workout, share your results and challenge others to do the same, at least once a year (on September 11th).    This "tribute" workout is difficult but has a…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on September 10, 2015 at 12:18pm — No Comments

Firefighter "Fit for Duty" Workout Schedule

Do you workout on shift?  Should you workout on shift and what is the best workout to perform?  How do you schedule your workouts around your shifts or calls?

This is a major concern for the fire rescue athlete.  On one hand we know we should be working out to stay and get fit for duty. Yet , if we burn out in the gym we won't be able to perform when it…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on August 11, 2015 at 1:11am — No Comments

Firefighter Cardio Interval Workout for Fat Loss

I have had a of of requests for quick workouts that can be done with minimal equipment.  Here is a re-post of one of my more popular cardio interval workouts I created for a firefighter/medic that has no equipment and only some stairs and a parking lot. This can be used as a cardio interval training workout day (for those following the FRF Rapid Fat Loss or FRF Ultimate fire Rescue Athlete…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on June 5, 2015 at 1:06am — No Comments

5 Reasons to Eat Bacon in the Firehouse…

Before you go Hog wild (sorry, had to say it) on bacon please read the following disclaimer.  Let me state up front that saying bacon is “healthy” does not mean it’s healthy to eat it in huge quantities nor does it mean it’s healthy to eat large amounts seven days a week. Try to stick to small servings, blot extra bacon grease off to lower fat intake, and avoid adding extra salt or other high sodium seasonings.  I suggest to consume only 2 or 3 slices and only once a week.  Also,…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on April 13, 2015 at 10:46pm — No Comments

A New Way to Pop-Flip in the Firehouse

The fire service is filled with many great traditions, some good and some not.  One of the fun things that happens in a lot of firehouses is the "pop-flip" for a round of sodas.   Unfortunately, sodas are a huge reason we are staying unhealthy- they have a ton of chemicals and sugars that pack on extra bodyfat.  Don't believe me?  Keep reading.

Drink Diet Soda?…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on March 19, 2015 at 9:54pm — No Comments

Firehouse Nutrition Tip- Eat more fruits and veggies....

Firefighters have physically and mentally demanding jobs which means we (as fire rescue athletes) have demanding nutritional needs to match.  Unfortunately, research confirms that most are deficient in some essential nutrients. The most common deficiencies are in protein, water (hydration), healthy fatty acids, and the essential vitamins. Research…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on December 15, 2014 at 12:46pm — No Comments

Goblet Squat for More Strength on the Fireground

I often get emails and questions about ways to improve leg strength and recovery while in firefighting gear.  We all know that stairs and climbing are…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on November 15, 2014 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Firefighter On-shift Interval Workout

I get a lot of emails asking for good workout options for the firehouse when on-shift.  

Working out on-shift is a major concern, you want to make sure you keep your body in good "fit for duty" condition but also want to make sure you have enough "left in the tank" to respond and perform in an actual response.  Over the last couple of years I have…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on August 4, 2014 at 11:12pm — No Comments

Fit Firefighters Daily Checkoffs...

Be Physically Ready for Duty- Your Daily Fitness Checkoffs.

At the beginning of each and every shift firefighters, EMTs and medic meticulously go through and check their gear (or at least they should be) to make sure that it is ready for the challenges of the day. Our equipment must be functioning properly and our rigs must be fueled and ready to go. The question that I also want you to think about is whether or not your…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on July 17, 2014 at 11:42pm — No Comments

The Ultimate Firefighter Tribute Workout

Today I want to give you a taste of the type of workouts that you will find in the Ultimate Fire Athlete Workout and it comes with great timing and a lot of significance... The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation provides resources and funding (via grants and donations) towards remembering our fallen and protecting our current firefighters.  This "tribute"…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on July 3, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

One of the Top 10 "Best Exercises" for Firefighters, EMTs and Medics

I am compiling a list of the top 10 exercises for Fire Rescue Athletes.  Here is one that made the list.

Plank (s)—It's no surprise that the one of the exercises on this list is a core exercise.…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on June 10, 2014 at 11:59am — No Comments

Fire Station Cardio Workout Option(s)

I've had a lot of requests for workout options that can be performed at the station with minimal equipment.  Here is an option I created for a firefighter/medic that has no equipment and only some stairs and a parking lot. This can be used as a cardio interval training workout day (for those following the 28-day Quickstart Program) and/or as a good workout to get the blood flowing.   Give it a…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on April 10, 2014 at 12:44am — 3 Comments

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