Get Paid to Get Fire Rescue Fit in 2017!

Over $2,500 in cash and prizes will be given away to Firefighters, EMTs and Medics! 

YOU can Win and more importantly Motivate Others!  

Don't wait, get your program and get started today!

The purpose of the contest is to motivate Firefighters, EMTs and Medics to change the unhealthy culture of the fire service.   Statistics show that the obesity rate in firefighters is higher than the general population.  Sadly, firefighters are more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than in a fire related incident.

WE MUST CREATE a HEALTHY CULTURE IN THE FIRE SERVICE as lives, communities and our families are counting us!

Take the "fit for duty" challenge, get others in your department involved and help change the fire service industry!

See the complete entry instructions below.   

Rules of the 2017 FRF "Fit for Duty" Challenge Contest

Important Dates:

  • The Contest officially starts on January 1st, 2017 (this is the first day to officially start your program) and the final day to submit entries is April 15th, 2017 at midnight CST.  The maximum length of your fitness program is 12-weeks.  For example, if you start on January 1st you finish on March 25th--take  your pictures (or final assessments) and submit your entry essay and results between March 25th and April 15th.  If you start on Jan 15th, you finish on April 15th. You then take your final photos and must submit your entry essay and photos before April 15th at midnight.   You can start your program any time before March 17th (there is a minimum of 28-days), but you won't have a full 12-weeks to make progress.

Contestant Entry Requirements (please read carefully):

  • There is no fee to enter the challenge.  However, in order to be eligible to enter the 2017 FRF "Fit for Duty" Challenge Contest, you must train with one of the FRF Workout Programs (see suggested workout programs) for a minimum of 4 weeks .  All entry forms must be completed and submitted (via the email entry links by midnight April 15th, 2017).

 **Upon completion of your Fire Rescue Fitness Workout  purchase you will be emailed more details on the Challenge.  Previous FRF customers (people who purchased in the last year) were emailed details on entering.**  


Here is a  video overview of the contest (please share!)

Contest Judging:   Once we've received all the contest entries (essays and photos), the FRF Team will then choose the TOP 5 finalists and Top  2 CREW entries.  Top 5 finalists and Crews will be chosen based off of measured results (pictures, weight loss, body fat loss) and essay (inspiration).    These 5 finalists will then be posted to the Fire Rescue Fitness Website and Facebook Page for public voting.

For more information go to of CLICK HERE

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