Power Hawk or Hydro. Extrication Equiptment??

We currently keep a Powerhawk on our Rescue/Pumper but are considering purchasing a good used hydrolic system. The budget restrains us but I hope to expidite our extrication process. Input would be great!!

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Comment by Mark Klaene on March 19, 2009 at 11:14pm
If you are interested in good used hydraulic tools consider the original Holmatro. A lot of folks are upgrading to the core technology leaving the old dual hose units available on the used market . I bought a reconditioned power unit (so I have 2 now) for a song form our local dealer.
Comment by METALHEAD on March 18, 2009 at 3:40pm
my company has had a curtis/wright power hawk for many years. we are a small dept., not allot of money to be had but we survive well. The power hawk is a rescue tool but has its limitations( battery and spread) it does a very good job for a quick extracation. The power hawk should not be compared to a hydraulic tool. the power hawk is a good tool. just not the big gun. i do like the stand alone jacks.
Comment by Robert C. Baker on March 18, 2009 at 10:48am
Hello Chief, What seems to be the problem with your Power Hawk System? I know first hand about that tool and other than not working for me " one" time in the 7 years I was using it, and thats because the power cable over years of use pulled out of the connector, but that was and easy 2 minute repair and the tool was back in business. The key to that tool is use the hell out of it, the more its used the stronger it gets, at least it seemed that way. Also keeping it clean and sending it back to Power Hawk about every 3 years for factory servicing is also a big part of maintaining it. The best part of that whole system is the accesories you can run with it, hands down it does a good job for a battery operated tool. As far as a good hydralic tool, I would have to say after using many of them and in this order and ranking them on service , dependability,quality, ease of use and overall member satisfaction it would be as follows:
Halmatro, Amkus, Hurst and the rest don't really matter to me. But remember this the tool is only as effective as the operator, regular and documented maintinance of the tool, and not trying to cut the things you should'nt or know you should'nt, and finally regular maintinance of the power plant will or should give you a dependable tool when you need it most. And no tool out there on the market today is worth a damn when it fails, when we need it most.

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