Child Predator Busters's Blog – July 2007 Archive (6)

Phoenix Channel 3 and Channel 15 - 4 Of Our Heroes Died in Mid Air Chopper Wreck

Following is information about the crash and also information about the memorial services that are being held this week for the 4 men. These guys were the best of the best. With a broken heart, I am posting this for those that might want some of the information.
Please lift our community up in prayer. This is a devastating loss to all of us in the State of Arizona.…

Added by Child Predator Busters on July 30, 2007 at 11:50am — No Comments

Our Sincere Thanks and Respect

As Director of Child Predator Busters, I would like to take the time to thank each and every one of you, though I know for the most part we've never met.

Each and everyone of you, along with Law Enforcement puts your lives on the line each time you suit up and roll down our highways and byways. I did for a while have some experience with working with some firemen and paramedics when I was towing for CPD, MCSO and DPS.

I understand the depth of your…


Added by Child Predator Busters on July 30, 2007 at 2:26am — No Comments


Welcome back to this, our third Predator Free Safety Tip.

For starters I could make a bet that with a pretty good guess I'd win. It's still a fact that our children still know more about the internet then most of their parents. That is where I start safety tip 3. Parents, to make a difference in your childs life or that of others, you have to become more educated about the internet than your child.

The statistics are growing daily last count was there are over 30 million… Continue

Added by Child Predator Busters on July 30, 2007 at 2:05am — No Comments


Sher Kares ~PREDATOR FREE~ Safety Tip 2

Welcome to Sher Cares ~PREDATOR FREE~ Safety Tip 2.

For starters, most people know there is a sexual registry for sexual offenders. Through today, there are those that are still unaware of what it is and what it does and who it is for.

At the end of this Safety Tip 2 I will give you a list of Sexual Offender Registries State by State.

The registries were designed to keep track of the sexual predators and at the same… Continue

Added by Child Predator Busters on July 30, 2007 at 1:58am — No Comments


Welcome to our new addition to our Child Predator Board. Each week please feel free to come back and get one more Predator Free Safety Tip to add to your collection of our suggestion on how to better protect our children.


PLEASE USE CAUTION - Adults Taking Pictures of Minor Children

I need to discuss something of importance that many people don't even think about. I am sure that at some point you have seen on the… Continue

Added by Child Predator Busters on July 30, 2007 at 1:18am — No Comments

Child Predator Busters Mission and Vision

Child Predator Busters is a newly formed Organization that has a vision to make a difference in the amount of Child Predator's that are out there preying on our children daily. It is mind boggling that for every twenty four hours of on line time that there are over 500,000 Predators preying on our innocent, defenseless, and trusting children. My three children were preyed on and molested in real life, outside of a computer. I am currently working on a book to bring into prospective, just how… Continue

Added by Child Predator Busters on July 30, 2007 at 1:13am — No Comments

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