I believe that the majority of parents today place a very high value on their childrens lives and want them to grow up to do more then they did as children and have more then they had and attend better institutions of higher learning, and not go through the trials and tribulations that they did growing up because after all, doesn't our heritage transfer to our children and their children from here into eternity?

It's quite interesting to me that people of money or influence place a full coverage insurance on their homes or cars, their jewelry and holdings and belongings, yet, do not realize that the true gems they hold close to heart is their children, whom in turn will make them grandparents and on and on as time flys by us.

Today we live in neighborhoods where most people either don't know their neighbors or don't want to because no one needs to know their business. It's the secretive and private generation. So secretive in fact, that while they were protecting their things, they left the door open for the "Liars, Pedophiles, Molesters, and Predators" to walk in and attach themselves to their lives without even noticing.

First let me set the record straight, "Stranger Danger" as we were taught in school doesn't for the most part exist in today's hi tech, fast moving society. We were taught, not to walk down alleys, because Stranger Danger would get us. We saw illusions of Stranger Danger being someone, unkempt, maybe dirty and smelly and looking out the crevices of alleys or dark places and stalking children.

In the majority of cases, it is not Stranger Danger that had their hands on your children, it is someone you knew or someone you allowed in to get close to you and your family, someone you trusted, someone that was a "nice and caring" person.

Molesters, pedophiles, and child predators all have some things in common. They all have Masters Degrees in lying and deceit. They all use power or control over our children to get their way. They are always there for our children, when we aren't, or are going through rough times, such as an example a family splitting up because of divorce. They set easy targets at times and seek out children that feel the need to be loved, and may not feel loved on the homefront.

They through trust and kindness work their way into our families and we know our most precious of gems, our children would always be safe with them. They gain our faith and trust in them first, and then go after our children. We are blinded by their brillance and caring ways, and before we know it, we hand them the keys to our childrens lives and futures.

They are our Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Next Door Neighbors, Babysitters, Teachers, Coaches, Principals, Lawyers, Doctors, Best Friends, and let me tell you, there is no end to the list of who they are.

I personally believe that most of them have a need for power, or a need for control, because someone in their life was overly controlling and they didn't feel a strong enough person to fight back, and that maybe no one would believe them, so, today, they now have found their education in how to be powerful and how to be in control. In their sick minds, what better for them to control and be in power over then a small innocent trusting, defenseless child that they have been bestowed time with.

This tip is far too long and intense for me to do in one safety tip, so I'm going to break it up into segments for you as parents to ingest.

In closing today with this, I promise next week I will continue, but I will give you some simple, basic things to look at, and see if any of them get your attention or open your eyes.

1. If someone is doing more for your children then you are, there could be something going on.

2. If that person is available whenever you have the need, and will drop other things of importance they have going on, there might be a problem.

3. If your children have new toys and gifts you didn't buy and didn't know about, it could be a problem.

4. If your children love and adore the person one day, and the next run when they show up, trust me, from experience, there is most probably something going on.

I will close this evening at this point, and if you like, I will continue part two of this next Saturday or Sunday, my schedule permitting.

Please, keep your eyes opened. Think about your children and what they are doing and what you are allowing them to do.

God Bless All Of You,


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