You haven’t got much sleep
You’ve been on call all day
You turn the lights off
And head for your bed
Finally falling asleep
Then the alarm goes off
And the lights turn on
Its time to save another
From the flames that burn
You try to help,
But the fire is to much
As you watch it go up in smoke
You fell bad they lost their home
But its just another call
You saved the people inside
To you they… Continue
Your always wearing your gear
Always saving lives
Never getting any sleep
Not wanting to be a hero
Just a normal person
But to the kids you’re their hero
They want to be just like you
So keep your head up high
When the papers say crap
Cause in the end that don’t matter
You’re the one who risks their life
Just to save those who don’t give a crap
Just remember that kid,
That wants to be just like… Continue
Added by Kayla Bartlett on May 22, 2008 at 8:30am —
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