hi everyone my name is jonathan spivey and i am a patch collecter and i would like 2 know if anyone has a patch they can send me if you do send me a message on the nation and i will get u my address. and i hope all is well with everyone and yall r doing good.
Hi Johnathan, thanks for the add and welcome to the world of firefighting and EMS. I,m sure you will find it a very satisfying and rewarding career. Be well and stay safe out there.
Jonathan, as a former junior member of my department I recognize the importance of junior members and explorers. I would like to say thank you for steping up to that. You and the thousands of of other junior members are amazing! [Non Sebi Sid Omnibus]
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Hey Jonathan, I see you recently joined, too. Welcome. This is a great site. I think it is wonderful that you are involved in Explorers. I did that when I was young. Be Safe! Wendy
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rob elliott
8 scobie crescent
bellambi nsw 2518 australia
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