Brett Hill

Life Saving Information Technology


Life Saving Information Technology

This groups is established to begin conversation about creating a medical history link between EMS Providers and the citizens they serve using electronic health record and fingerprint technology.

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Latest Activity: Feb 14, 2023

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Comment by Brett Hill on September 29, 2011 at 10:17pm
EmergiLink's :Phase-1" will be limited to establishing a working Paramedic Subscription program in your area. We establish an electronic format of the program and you market to members of your community. You keep 90% of revenue generated from $60 "Household" subscriptions in your community. In this economy, everyone can use the new revenue stream. Later in Phases 2 and 3, we will add the electronic health record and then the fingerprint technology to help identify and treat patients. If you want to  be a model for the program or pilot, email me at:
Comment by Brett Hill on July 14, 2011 at 1:18am
Hello, hope everyone is doing well! Sorry for the absence here. I have been working on the 9/11 Patch Project 10 Year Anniversary Plans the past couple of years. We are on a national tour now and have already met with over 100 departments. Click this link to learn more about the FDNY supported fund raising and fellowship tour here:

Also, get your 10 year 9/11 Patches and Decals here:

Thanks in advance for any support you can give the tour and our fund raising mission!
Comment by Brett Hill on May 11, 2010 at 1:04am
Interesting Development! One of the things we haven't really discussed about EmergiLink is that it is an evolution of the widely used "Paramedic Subscription Program." This type of program has been widely used to raise funds to help run paramedic programs in a given community. Basically how they work: FD's market the program to members of the community who in turn pay $30 to $60 per year to have their co-payments from ambulance billings forgiven if they as a member are transported to an area hospital.

EmergiLink combined that paramedic subscription program with the electronic medical record and fingerprint ID system. So in addition to linking citizen medical history with 1st Responders, EmergiLink also gives back a large portion of subscriber fees to the hosting EMS Provider.

We have recently been in discussions with the Los Angeles City Finance & Budget Committee to see how the program will work to raise funds and bridge much of the budget gap. We'll see how it plays out but just wanted to let other organizations out there know about the monetary benefits of the program and get your input.
Comment by Brett Hill on January 17, 2009 at 3:13pm
Hello All! I am really interested in some feedback on the EmergiLink program if you don't's the latest EmergiLink in 5 Minutes

Thanks in advance! Brett
Comment by Greg Stoklosa on January 17, 2009 at 2:29pm
Hello all! We justed started an EMS Council with the area Fire Depts. I will keep you updated with any new ideas that we may have
Comment by Bryan on December 25, 2008 at 5:07pm
hello all and thank you for the invite im pretty much a newbie around the fire buisness so called probie lol my department is going to bring in a class and in that class we are going to learn everything there is to know about fire fighting and after that there comes the emt class on which i am very interested on taking. reason why i became a fire fighter I wan't to help people and I you guys can some how shine any more light in my path to achieve a better fire fighter my ears are open once again ty for the invite
Comment by Brett Hill on December 23, 2008 at 12:41am
Hello all and welcome to the discussion--although there isn't much of it lately. I actually started the group when I was previously on here. I am Brett Hill and recently re-did my account but can't figure out how to claim the leadership back.

Anyway, HappyChrisKwansaka to everyone! Hopefully we can get in some good discussions here in the future--there is much I can learn from you all I am sure.

My objective is to understand how you all address the lack of meaningful patient information at the scene of a medical emergency and see if we can fix that worldwide problem out there. Here is a look at the system I put together:
EmergiLink Demo
Comment by Jamie Case on December 19, 2008 at 8:25pm
Thanks for the invite
Comment by DENNIS on December 6, 2008 at 3:49pm
Thanks for the invite. I'm a volunteer, so my responces to calls are limited and being a First Responder my abilities are too. But hopefully information that is shared here can help me with call assists where I am able.
Comment by brian bell on December 1, 2008 at 6:56pm
thanks 4 the invite

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