Timothy Sendelbach
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  • Nevada
  • United States
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Welcome, Tim Sendelbach - FireRescue Magazine

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Type of Organization
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Administrative Staff / Team Member, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
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FireRescue Magazine
Years With Department/Agency
1+ year
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Second generation firefighter - following my fathers footsteps.

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Timothy Sendelbach's Blog

Cocoanut Grove Nightclub - Sixty-Eight Years and 492 Reasons to Remember

Posted on November 28, 2010 at 10:30am 4 Comments

Ever wonder why occupancies with revolving doors have outward swinging doors to the left and/or right of them? Ever wonder why exit lights stay illuminated in movie theaters? Why exits at restaurants and places of public assembly (to name a few) swing outward? Or why your child’s elementary school is restricted from decorating the hallways with colorful artwork? The answer in part - Cocoanut Grove, November 28,… Continue

The MGM Grand Tragedy - IT DIDN'T HAVE TO HAPPEN!!!

Posted on November 21, 2010 at 7:00am 2 Comments

Today, (November 21, 2010) marks thirty

years since the deadly fire at the MGM Grandin Las Vegas, Nevada. The fire claimed a total of eighty-seven lives and stands today as the second deadliest hotel fire in US history (second only to The Winecoff Hotel Fire in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1946… Continue

NIST Study on the Charleston Sofa Super Store Fire

Posted on October 28, 2010 at 11:54pm 0 Comments

It’s rapidly becoming one of the most studied fires in recent US history, and for good reason. The Sofa Super Store Fire of June 18, 2007 in Charleston, South Carolina claimed the lives of nine firefighters and has left an unending scar on the members of the Charleston Fire Department and

the American fire service. Today, the long awaited…


Lasting Impressions

Posted on August 25, 2009 at 9:28pm 4 Comments

5 years later, Chief Page’s influence lives on

Over the course of a lifetime, each us will experience events or meet certain individuals that leave an indelible mark in our memory—a lasting impression that changes our lives. In some cases, the memories of these events and/or people bring about great sadness; for others, they become influential experiences that set the course of their careers.

For me, that event occurred on May 28, 1977. It was a warm summer evening… Continue

The Fire Service Trifecta

Posted on July 28, 2009 at 9:48pm 4 Comments

Departmental excellence comes from a proven action plan, not a high-stakes bet

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a site visit of a department applying for re-accreditation. As a long-term student of the fire service, I’ve always found value in visiting other departments and learning how they operate and seeing what tools and techniques they’ve tried and/or rejected. I’m always amazed by the creative minds and innovative methodologies that make our… Continue

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At 3:22pm on July 13, 2010, Billy_B said…
Hey Tim - Are you going to be in Baltimore next week? Been almost 20 years since college. Would be great to see you again!

Billy B
At 12:16am on September 7, 2009, sharon said…
Hello Mr. Sendelbach how are you, just stopping through just to say hi
At 2:46pm on July 1, 2009, John H. Love said…
I am sorry to hear that you will not be with us this year, I have learned a great deal from your writtings and truely more from hearing you speak. There is a talent that someone is given to be a motivator, and teacher and GOD truely blessed you with both(NO BS). I hope that you and your family have a wonderful and safe July 4th. EOGH.....thanks John Love northfireresuce35@yahoo.com
At 10:25pm on April 12, 2009, Tim Zehnder said…
How are ya Happy Easter nice day here about 60, nice for us hope things are well see ya next week.
At 11:23am on April 2, 2009, Terry Ingram, Sr. said…
At 10:49pm on March 18, 2009, Tom Bouthillet said…
I did get a lot out of it. How often do things that go exactly as planned? Last year I read something from the USFA's technical report series on fireground communications. It said something to the effect that we spend a lot of time training manipulative skills, and very little time training stress tempered communication skills. As a result, it seems like communication is always a huge problem (too much talking on the radio, incomprehensible shouting into the facepiece, not answering the radio, and so on). I've always learned more from failure than from success, but then again, I can be a stubborn man! I discussed the class with my B/C and we're going to work on our command structure, strategy and tactics, and radio discipline for big box fires. It was very beneficial for me to be the Division Bravo supervisor and take a turn at IC, even though we were behind the 8 ball. The K-12 saws sort of sucked, but anyone who didn't take something valuable away from that class either wasn't paying attention or expected to be entertained rather than educated. I didn't think it was that bad at all. Of course, I'm my own worst critic, and I hate when things do go smoothly, especially if I'm the one teaching! Anyway, I appreciate what you do. You're a great instructor. Good luck in your new role with N. Las Vegas!
At 10:48am on March 18, 2009, Tom Bouthillet said…
Thanks for a great class this weekend, Tim! I enjoyed it a lot, and I had high expectations.
At 12:20am on March 8, 2009, Don Vuletic said…
enjoyed your article on automatic aid. It does work with a little effort
At 4:47pm on February 12, 2009, kata said…
Welcome Tim ! Have a nice day
At 8:47pm on February 11, 2009, Mary Ellen Shea said…
Keep in mind that FASNY would be happy to add your programs to our upcoming Course Catalogue--available on demand pending instructor availability.
Just need titles, course description (brief), duration and cost.
Mary Ellen

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