F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Symposium


F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Symposium

We're working on our 2013 dates - stay tuned and I will promise to do better at updating this page.

The symposium will provide ways, through design & renovation, that you can reduce the cost of operating a fire station, whether it is new or existing. It will cover other topics you need to be aware of before undertaking construction or renovation.

Website: http://www.fierofirestation.com/
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Members: 10
Latest Activity: Sep 30, 2011

What makes the F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Symposium the best choice?

What makes the F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Symposium the best choice?

  • It’s the original station design symposium. It was developed by fire service personnel and is run by fire service personnel.
  • Our speakers include many fire service personnel. They know what works and what doesn’t.
  • Attendees get a CD of handouts from the presentations to take home and use for future reference.
  • Our “Station Design” awards program is judged by six fire service personnel with degrees in architecture.
  • Our judges for the “Station Design” awards program come from all across the country.
  • We offer a wider array of topics — something for first-timers as well as something for returning attendees.
  • We offer many door prizes from our exhibitors.
  • F.I.E.R.O. is a non-profit fire service agency. All money generated from the symposium goes into next year’s symposium.


Building and maintaining fire stations and training facilities are major expenditures for any community. Be a responsible caretaker of the funds you are provided by making sure you have all the information to make the best long-term decisions for your community.

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Discussion about fire station design

Started by Marni Schmid. Last reply by Robert D. Tutterow Jr May 18, 2010. 1 Reply

If you could change one thing about the design of your station or how it works, what would it be?  What problems do you run in to because of this feature?Continue

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Comment by Marni Schmid on September 30, 2011 at 8:15am

Check out this article about the upcoming fire station design symposium on FireNews.net.  This symposium is designed for departments in the planning stages for new facilities through to departments wanting to gain cost savings and efficiencies out of their existing facilities.


"If your department is contemplating a new project, a renovation or even a master plan for the future, you owe it to your community to attend this event.


Building and maintaining fire stations and training facilities are major expenditures for any community."

Comment by Marni Schmid on August 17, 2011 at 8:47am
The symposium is back - join us November 14 through 16 in Charlotte for the most actionable station design symposium you will attend.

You will take back ideas to make your current stations more efficient (saving your department money) and how to build for the long-term.

Interact directly with experts in the field: firefighters, architects, builders, everyone involved in building and maintaining fire stations.

If you're attending FRI in Atlanta, we'll be at booth 5050.

Be safe!
Comment by Marni Schmid on May 15, 2011 at 4:38pm
For some reason the link didn't come through. Sorry.

Here's the link to the article.
Comment by Marni Schmid on May 15, 2011 at 4:37pm
I just came across this article on OSHA fines related to mold in the fire station. Mold abatement is an important factor in fire station design and remodeling projects - it may be the only remodeling project your department can engage in due to budget limitations but, given the potential health risks and OSHA fines, it's well worth the investment.

Comment by Gianni Lehmann on April 7, 2010 at 10:46am
I had the great opportunity to be a speaker on this great conference approximately 10 years ago. My presentation was basically focused on the experience I had in Miami-Dade County after the devastation of Hurricane Andrew. As Division Head for the Facilities & Construction Division with the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department, I focused my presentation on the advantages of the "Design-Build" construction contracting method and the lesson learned after a major storm. I retired from MDFR two years ago and I join the firm of Lenmartec which is specialized in design-build fire rescue facilities through the entire State of Florida, South and North Carolinas, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas. Basically throughout the costal area that unfortunately is facing the potential damages from a major storm or hurricane year after year. I will be present this November at the FIERO and I hope to have an opportunity to share my experience with all. Thanks

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