Ronald Lucero (Retired)
  • Male
  • Ogden, UT
  • United States
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Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Part/Paid Fire Department
Job Function
Training Officer/Training Chief/Instructor
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Ogden City Fire Department, South Ogden, Utah
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Knob Noster Fire Department, Knob Noster, Missouri
LaMonte Fire Department, La Monte, Missouri
Pettis County Fire District, Sedalia, Missouri
My Training:
FFI, FFII, Instructor I, Hazmat Ops, Officer I, EMT-Intermediate, EMT-Advanced, IV Certified, Past certification as Hazmat Technician (expired)
About Me:
Joined the ranks of firefighting in the small town of Knob Noster, Mo., in 1983. Was with the LaMonte Fire Deparment and Pettis County Fire District at same time from1986 to 1995. Joined current department in Utah in September 95 till Present. Started as a firefighter to senior firefighter and then Engineer. Became Senior Engineer on the department and then Lieutenant as acting Training Officer for the Department. Currently no longer with the fire service as part-time. Quit doing fire service with South Ogden in 2010, due to unforseen circumstances. I currently work at one of the local hospitals as an EMT in the Emergency room. an things. South Ogden and the fire service will always be a part of me.
Day Job:
Electronics Engineering with the Boeing Company
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I became a firefighter to help people in a time of need. Not really knowing a good way to help people in their time of distress and need, i thought becoming a fireman, and helping put out fires and tend to their medical needs, i could help in that area. Plus the excitement of hearing a siren and running down the road with lights, helped but not the main reason.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping others
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training needs, salaries and health care for fire service personnel

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At 10:29pm on October 26, 2009, Lou Sclafani said…
Utah is my favorite place to ski. I just created a new group here on FFN, SnowSkiingFirefighters and thought you might be interested in joining. Would love to have you.
At 4:05pm on May 10, 2008, Ronald Lucero (Retired) said…
I am normally working out of Station 81, the one on 39th and Adams. I am currently working at station 82 today 10 may. 5600 Harrison Blvd.
At 2:12pm on April 15, 2008, Ronald Lucero (Retired) said…
Well tell the old timers i say hello. pass on my e-mail if you would, i'll look ole "Cookie" up on my space.
At 9:01pm on April 14, 2008, Gary said…
Yes Leo and Laurie were still there when I joined the department but they left at the end of 2007, she is retired and he works as a corections officer for the state. As far as I know they are still around this area, and everybody still calls John "Cookie" if you ever get on myspace he has a profile on there and its of the cookie monster
At 5:07am on April 14, 2008, Gary said…
There is still a few life timers there. The last 3 to 4 yrs we have been updating our trucks and added a 6th station and one more in the planning. Jeff Williams came back as Cheif about 5 yrs ago, Jerry Iuchs, Rodney Iuchs, John Cook, Mike Carey, Fred Harding, Mike Harding, There is probably a few more that was on about the time you were that I forgot to mention. I run out of station 5, They have added on to stations 1 and 2 to accomidate more trucks and added day rooms with kitchen area and living room with tv and workout area for personnel.
At 9:14am on February 27, 2008, Ronald Lucero (Retired) said…
Hey Tom, i sent you an e-mail from my msn account and listed my work e-mail, so let me know how i can help.
At 1:37am on February 27, 2008, Tom said…
Hey Ron,
the 29 looks great, our 28 alf is coming along, but I got a few questions. can you email me
At 3:52pm on February 22, 2008, Lyn said…
what a small world this is huh?lol. Yes, from Tennessee, seems once you get here, you can never leave,lol.
I have been down to Jackson county Memphis Tennessee several times. Actually was down there after the tornadoes struck us hard to help out a bit, but was mainly in Macon county.
BTW, speaking of the cold, please please keep that cold up your way,lol. Been hearing you have gotten some nasty winter weather this year so far? Your not snowed in are you?lol
Hope this finds you and your loved one well and safe.
At 8:32am on February 20, 2008, Ronald Lucero (Retired) said…
Good Luck, Tell Brady I say Hi
At 11:24pm on February 19, 2008, Nick Thompson said…
I do know Brady he is a great guy!! Im with north Logan right now and got a test invite from Capt. Sexton over the weekend soooo...heres crossing my fingers!!! and thanks for the response!

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