Always quick with a joke, or jab at someone when they need it. Love to be with my wife and son as much as possible. I love camping, fishing, hunting, or just sittin' in my recliner watching movies. I'm easily entertained. My wife says I'm to outspoken and opinionated at times. I don't think so, I just say what's on my mind.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Dad was a firefighter before becoming a police officer. So public safety was always in my blood.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The never knowing whats going to happen next. It used to be the adrenaline rush, but not so much anymore.
Hey Rob: Great to meet you. Welcome to FFN. Come on in and join some discussions - most of us are really fun. I look forward to seeing you around the pages. Heather
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You da man!