You know it is going to be a screwed up day when you are working midnight shift at your full time job, thus sleeping at 3:00 PM and the tones drop for a structure fire. I hit the road figuring it is gonna be the typical FA we get in the daytime because all of our cookers come at night...WRONG! First engine marks on scene with heavy smoke showing so of course it is now go time. I was a bit delayed anyway since I had to grab my work clothes since I knew if it was a worker I was gonna be taking a shower at the FD and going to work from there. I get there and end up inside for about 40 minutes before going out for a break and then start playing investigator.

All said and done we were there about 2 1/2 hours when we start hearing the neighbor banging out a structure fire about 2 blocks form the line (about 1/2 mile from our scene). After a few minutes I notice everyone else flipping on the lights and hitting the Q! Of course I am still on the ops channel so I did not hear the upgraded address of the other fire, that was actually ours and nobody bothered to tell me! So we load up and roll on out to the next fire.

This one was small and out on arrival so it was not too big of a deal. While there we hear our department's medic tones dropping and the address was less than 200 yards from the fire we were on so off we go again.

All totaled, maybe 3 1/2 hours, 2 structure fires and a medic call in less than a 1/2 mile area. Not bad for a department that runs about 1200 (fire & ems combined) per year.

Oh, and yes it has been a screwed up night at work already too! That is for another day though.

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Comment by Doug on February 8, 2009 at 12:57am
Welcome to the club. Hell, we only run on average about 400 calls a year and we get days like that.
Comment by Fire Chick on February 7, 2009 at 2:37pm
that is crazy....
Comment by John on February 7, 2009 at 12:02pm
Crazy days Rob Crazy Days

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