Nikki C. Saunders
  • 50, Female
  • Roundup
  • United States
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Nikki C. Saunders's Friends

  • Marty D. Ross
  • Robert Solberg
  • Brett Johnson
  • Shawn Davis
  • froGido
  • Kimberly A. Beatty
  • Mike
  • firefighter_noel
  • Brad Carlson
  • evon
  • Tad Brenden
  • Jojo
  • Danny
  • mike james seaborn
  • Rockland USA


Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, 911 Operator/Dispatcher
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
BMVFD Roundup MT
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Haz-Mat; CPR; 911 Dispatch Training
About Me:
Not much to know Bull Mountain Vol Fire Dept. for 7 years ,
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because I like helping people and Ilike being a part of something that helps many people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping people and taking care of my guys/gals
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Staying on top of your training. I feel you can never have to much. Things are changing all of the time.


Hey gang,
I need a great big favor from all of you or whoever is willing to give me a hand.
Is there any possible way that you can send me some of your best fire pictures,photos, whatever. I am working on a project and I have no pictures. just the ones that I have on this site from the Dunn Mountain Fire last year. They don't have to be anything special, just something that I can use. If anyone can help me out please let me know.
Thank you all so much!!
My email you can either email me on here or my personal email. Thank you again.

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Nikki C. Saunders's Blog

Dispatch Job

Posted on November 30, 2007 at 10:57pm 0 Comments

We'll people I got the phone call this afternoon. I didn't get the job. I am really bummed out and disappointed. I was really looking forward to this job. At least I still can be with my firefighter department family.

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At 2:29pm on April 25, 2010, Marty D. Ross said…
My e-mail is
At 2:29pm on April 25, 2010, Marty D. Ross said…
Hey Nikki, went to facebook but there were so many with your name I didn't know who to contact. I could have done something wrong but who knows..
At 3:10pm on April 24, 2010, Marty D. Ross said…
Hey Nikki, Have not heard from you in a long time. Hope all is well for you. Just wanted to say howdy, and let you know that I'm on facebook. Also Clever fire protection district is on there as well. You are welcome to come check it out.
At 8:53pm on July 24, 2009, Marty D. Ross said…
Hey gal' Just wanted to let you know that I was told if you want you could apply at Greene county 911 dispatch in Springfield, Missouri they are always looking for a good person. Or how about 911 Administater for Christian county Missouri. This is a new job for our new center. they haven't even decided how much to pay what kind of insurance,& retirement. But it looks promissing.
At 11:59am on July 5, 2009, Marty D. Ross said…
please give Roundup a happy birthday shout for me. I do sincerly hope the storms went around you all. Because those kind of storms can be mean! I will keep my ear open for you on the dispatch positions. because in our 50 mile radious we have 8 centers, springfield, Greene county. Nixa, Republic, Ozark, Christian County, Stone county, and Lawerence county. There could be more, this is a very active area. Well I hope you had a great fourth, my family went to the James River Assembly's I Love America. There was about 120,000 people, 6 big name gosple bands, and our governor,[ long night]. But it was fun!!! well be safe & happy. Your friend Marty
At 8:21pm on July 2, 2009, Marty D. Ross said…
Hey Nikki; Just know you would welcome down here. We arealways looking for good people to work with. What we are doing is putting together our own dispatch center in Nixa, Mo. they will handle the fire calls for Christian County, thats about 8 departments. Plus doing the mules thing for the sheriffs dept. To change the subject we got our new pumper\tanker on saturday Boy is it nice.
At 6:09pm on June 30, 2009, Marty D. Ross said…
Just thought I would let you know that our 911 sales tax passed, so we will be looking for dispatchers soon.
At 10:17pm on June 24, 2009, Marty D. Ross said…
Hey Lady, It sure has been a long time. Not to much going on. We just had our 4th of july show this last saturday, it went well. We have a crew going to seminary mississippi to pick up our new pumper/tanker, we are really excited, its been a long process. But the gang is doing great, station is still open for business.... Talk to you later . Be Safe My friend

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